I’m 39 and been driving since I was 17 and never had this problem before.

I drove in to the petrol station this morning and there was ten pumps in rows of five so two deep. Someone was at the first pump so I pulled in behind them and used that pump. I was halfway through filling when the car in front left. At this point a car pulled up behind me and waited. I thought it was odd he didn’t go round me and use the first pump but no bother.

I eventually finished put the hose back and started to walk inside. When I did the guy behind started beeping and shouting “move your fucking car” I told him to go round me and went inside to pay.

I came out and he was now out the car waiting for me and called me a “fucking selfish bitch” and said I should have pulled my car forward before going in to pay and that I should have used pay at pump and even said it was rude to put 60litres of diesel in my car as it made him wait longer.

I told him he could have just gone round me, I have a fuel card so have to go inside and it’s none of his business how much fuel I put in my car and then the guy on the pump next to me said “I’d be pissed off too if you kept me waiting” and when I asked him what I did wrong he said “everything that bloke just said”.

I genuinely don’t think I did anything wrong and there was plenty of room for him to go round me, while we were arguing a transit van went round us and used the pump in front.

Is there an unwritten rule I don’t know about that you move forward once you’ve finished but before you pay?

  1. No such unwritten rule, you just encountered two idiot shit cunts. I’m sorry this happened to you 🙁 I feel like there’s been more of this behaviour recently.

  2. You should have asked him, how were you to know he wasn’t a competent driver, unable to get past you?

  3. Nope, you did what 99% of people do. A bit different if you decided to go in and do a big shop but if just paying for petrol it is perfectly normal to just fill up and go and pay.

    Some people are just arseholes, im guessing he probably wouldn’t have said anything if you were a 6 foot 5 bloke…

  4. I’ve always assumed moving the vehicle any distance before paying can be considered theft and therefore in my world these pig-dogs can bloody wait.

  5. Naah you did nothing wrong. I’m not moving my car until I’ve paid and if I want to pay in store instead of using pay at pump then I will

  6. If you pull your car forward he cant use the pump anyway as it still has your fuelling and cost on there. He has to wait for you to pay and it clears so he is not waiting any longer this way than if you moved your car forward.

    Sounds like they were just two grumpy old gits who wanted to moan about something.

  7. What an absolute tosser.

    If there was space to drive round, he should have done that.

  8. You did nothing wrong. I would have laughed, got in my car and made this post on my phone sitting at the pump after that!

  9. Never heard of this in my life. Also you shouldn’t pull forward if you haven’t paid, it can create a misunderstanding when you go to pay.

  10. You’ve met someone that thinks their time is more valuable than yours. You did nothing wrong.

  11. It’s also easy to pick on a woman and start a conversation like that. Probably got a small dick and hasn’t had ‘it’ in a long time – the guy at the next pump who joined in, he is even worse. Please don’t waste anymore time thinking about them. Losers!

  12. To add from the workers’ perspective: every time someone moves their car before coming in to pay, the person on minimum wage at the till has a heart attack. You did nothing wrong.

  13. He, and the second guy, were complete arseholes and you did exactly what you were entitled do and every other person on the planet does.

    It’s not your fault you met two imbeciles who can’t work out they can drive around a vehicle.

    But pumps can store at least 2 simultaneous fills so if it’s a small forecourt and it’s busy I’ll often pull away and park up so the pump can be used by the second person while I pay.

  14. I done that once. Moved up as was tight gap and was 2 pumps. The cashier shat herself and thought I was a “drive away”!

    You wait your turn. These two are knobs

  15. Something tells me he wouldn’t have done that if you’d been a big bloke.

    He’s embarrassed that he can’t drive well enough to go around you and taken it out on you. He also didn’t want to admit to being wrong when you pointed out you couldn’t pay at the pump.

  16. For about the last 40 years people have understood that you leave your car where it is until you have paid for your fuel

  17. The ironic thing is if you did pull forward he wouldn’t have been able to use the pump as the previous charge hadn’t been authorised.

    I always pay a the cashier as my cashback card doesn’t work on pre-authorisation.

  18. Could this be a scam?

    If you had moved forward, they would have filled from your pump until you got to the till, at which point they would have driven off leaving you to pay for the fuel, likely without realizing.

    Regardless of motive, had you moved forward you would have been blocking a usable pump.

    The guys a dickhead. Many petrol stations would refuse to serve someone who harasses their customers. Next time, tell the person in the shop.

  19. You did exactly what you’re supposed to do.

    Those two twats are entitled twats, and annoyingly are increasingly common.

  20. 1. That’s not how it works;
    2. If he’s not confident enough in his abilities to manoeuvre past your vehicle that’s not your problem;
    3. The other bloke should’ve shut his mouth;
    4. As he called you a bitch I’m assuming you’re female thus demonstrating misogyny is alive and well. No way on this earth would he have called a 6’ man a bitch or indeed dared whispered any other words!

    He may have been having a bad day, we’ll never know 🤷🏻‍♀️ but what we do know is in that instance he was aggressive and unnecessary. Not your fault, try not to let a tiny snippet of your day be anything more than that. It’s be like trying to play chess with a pigeon, trying to reason with someone like that 🙄

  21. yeah that’s just some guy being a prick. That is exactly the way petrol stations have worked for the entire time i’ve been driving.

    Never understand why people don’t go around, I don’t think a lot of people know the width of their own vehicle.

  22. I used to run a large petrol station and like in the rest of life you’ll meet foolish people like him endlessly. You are absolutely right, he could and should have gone round you. If you move before paying although it’s perfectly ok to do so it does worry the cashier as they then worry you might just drive off without paying.

    Sounds like the second bloke was also a bell end and just wanted to bully a woman.
    At the end of the day you are in a potentially vulnerable situation and what works for you is ok. There are people who fill up and then do a huge shop inside which takes ages which might be annoying but if the station didn’t want people to do it they wouldn’t have a shop. Best thing to do is ignore him and try to forget him. He’s a first class toerag.

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