
I \[24M\] had a great hookup with a girl \[30F\] last week. She was a bit hesitant at first, or hesitant sounds bad because she absolutely wanted to, but I think the age gap bothered her a bit, since I was younger but she enjoyed it a lot and wanted to see me again.

The thing is, we are both in extremely different phases of life, and to be honest, I don’t see us being in a relationship. I don’t think I would want that, since I don’t have time to commit to a relationship right now, and I actually don’t think she would want to date me either because of the age gap. I think the ideal situation for me would be a FWB situation.

However, since we’ve just had a drunken hookup, and are now texting, should I still ask her out on dates and see where it develops or should I keep it way more casual and just text her late when I’m out drinking?

I have never had a “real” FWB and don’t really know how to progress. I’d love to see her again, even if it’s just for sex, but I don’t want to make her feel bad in any way. I’ve thought about going on a few dates to see what our chemistry is when we’re not only drunk and/or horny, and take it from there, but I don’t want to give her false hopes, since I don’t know for sure what she thinks or wants from this.

People who have had FWBs, how did you do it and what would you do in my situation?

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