What is the hardest job you have ever seen anyone doing?

  1. Anything having to do with military industrial work. They put you in places a human body won’t fit to do work a human can’t do in conditions a human can’t survive in. All with shit pay.

  2. Collection call center.

    Calling people just to be turned down, told lies, being yelled at or hear a sad story. I wouldn’t do it.

  3. Recently had my plumbing redone and diggers had to come out to make a tunnel under my house. After about a foot of soil everything under my home is solid rock. That didn’t look fun to have to dig out.

  4. florida roofers and roadworkers seem to have it pretty hard. i have no idea how anyone survives that day after day.

    prison chain gangs have it extremely hard. imagine doing that shit in alabama and florida in july. jesus christ, that’s cruel and unusual punishment.

    any type of special ops/SEAL type of work is probably the most stressful employment possible, except maybe being an astronaut.


    though maybe special ops/SEAL is harder because most astronauts don’t undertake many missions in their careers, while special operators do tons.

    they also don’t get the rockstar status and public laud that astronauts do, unless they perform some super heroic chris kyle type of stuff. and a lot more of them die than astronauts.

    i’m gonna go with special op/SEAL employment being the hardest job of the modern age, though being a gladiator and/or a laboring slave was probably the hardest work humans ever had to do.

  5. Flight deck crew on an aircraft carrier in the Persian Gulf in the middle of summer. Temperature on the deck was measured at 135F. And yet they kept the planes launching and landing safely for weeks on end. My job was cushy by comparison.

  6. A guy was using the hose to empty my septic tank and he dropped something in and had to go get it.

    I was inside the house and almost threw up. I have no idea how he went in there and came back out like it was just another day at work.

  7. Physically – Roofing. I’m always impressed by the folks on a scorching roof all day long.

    Mentally / Emotionally – hospice workers.

  8. I’ve always been impressed by tour guides who can remember everyone’s names on their tour groups. I am absolutely garbage at that. Just can’t manage it.

  9. Watching my best friend the last 22 years pretending to love their current SO. Whilst continuing to live together. Brutal shit. 10/10, would not recommend.

  10. Police work, high stress, high scrutiny, little appreciation, thank you to our people in blue.

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