How do you wear your long hair to bed?

  1. I personally hate accidentally laying on my hair or if my husband rolls over on it. So it goes up in a topknot in a scrunchie.

  2. Either a low bun, or a topknot/pineapple if I’m trying to preserve curls. I also tie a satin scarf around my hair or sleep on a satin pillowcase.

  3. Down and loose, because its too uncomfortable for me to sleep with it tied up in any way

  4. Loose bun with soft crunchie or braid. Otherwise I get bad tangles at back of my head.

  5. Wrap it. Then I put on a satin bonnet that ties up. If I don’t feel like wrapping it, I’ll braid it in 2 braids and then put on my bonnet.

  6. Long and flowing, same way I always have it

    I find styling it anyway leads to hairs being pulled when I shift in my sleep and I’m not about that life

  7. If it’s wet, I French braid it so I wake up with waves. If it’s dry, in a loose bun high up on my head

  8. I used to do a pinytail half pulled through into a bun so that I didn’t have knots in the morning but now I sometimes sleep on my back and the bump is annoying, ao usually flying free now

  9. Twisted into two bantu knots and then a bonnet over it. I’m a black woman with very curly hair so I have to have it in a protective style to keep it untangled and the bonnet helps with moisture and protecting my hair at night.

  10. Still trying to find the best way as it gets sooo tangled and frizzy no matter what I do

  11. pls dont go to sleep with your hair tied🥲 my mom did that for years and it damaged her hair

  12. Loose or in a loose ponytail but the scrunchie must be satin and my pillowcase is satin. Huge game changer. No more frizz at all.

  13. Two high but loose loose buns. My hair is very long so I twist it round and keep it up with scrunchies. Gives my hair a lot of volume since it’s held up and my hair is between wavy and straight so it helps maintain what little waves I have.

  14. A braid, other than the weather feels so hot, the good old days of letting my hair loose is way behind me.

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