What did you do to be taken seriously at your workplace?

  1. Consistency. And working really hard to get past my own head. Even sending an email, I used to second guess the f out of every word. But, now, I trust my gut and when I seek advice from a trusted person, I take it. I do my work, I’m consistent. Meaning I don’t take on more then I can handle, I communicate that and what I do take on is handled effectively and completely.

  2. I was a manager and people thought I was my bosses assistant. I experimented for a while but these are the things that worked. In my case I felt that I had to unlearn the idea that I need to always be polite and make everyone else in the room comfortable, which is what a lot of these boil down to.

    Lowering the pitch of my voice (side note- I never thought I had a high pitched voice to begin with but it made a notable difference). I also know my voice is a little quiet, so I tried to speak louder than usual.

    Being very aware of my language. Eliminating the use of words/phrases that diminish my message (“just”, “sorry” when it’s not entirely necessary, “no rush”). If you need something, it’s not “when you get a chance”, you need that thing by a reasonable day or time. Be respectful yet assertive.

    Similar to above, being cognizant of body language. Standing up straight, shoulders back, direct eye contact. Don’t be afraid to command a room when you walk in.

    This one was big for me – stop giggling/smiling when you’re not really happy. I giggled as an impulse out of discomfort. Example, I used to giggle/smile when someone made a mistake that would be an inconvenience to me/my part in a project and respond with “It’s no big deal!”. Now, I say something along the lines of “Ok, can I show you how we can avoid this in the future?”. It’s their job, DO NOT pick up someone else’s work in a corporate setting no matter how nice you want to be. That sets the precedent that you’ll continue to just deal with it.

  3. I’m professional, which to me includes dressing appropriately with no cleavage or any clothing that is revealing in any way. I make sure my grammar is good in emails and slack. I don’t share much about my personal life because I don’t think that helps people take you seriously when you’re airing your laundry around the office. For the actual job I am very knowledgeable, but I don’t pretend like I know everything. I am approachable to staff that needs to ask me questions. From doing all these things I feel that I am taken seriously in my workplace.

  4. At work I’m not taken seriously so I started treating it like my job was totally serious business and it worked! 🤩 I started paying more attention to detail and arrived to work earlier than usual. I also made sure to dress appropriately and to stay away from too much chit chat. I think this showed my coworkers that I was serious and they started to take me seriously. 🤗 Plus if you show a bit of enthusiasm and confidence it definitely helps!😉

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