How did you mess up your love life?

  1. I‘m not interested in it anymore because the chances of getting mistreated, hurt, betrayed and disappointed are too high. And I also realized that I either love too much or not enough. :‘)

  2. Found a quality guy that wanted to commit.
    Became convinced that if I could land this guy, then I should be able to do better.
    Started seeing guy on the side that was a little taller, made little more money, took me to nicer places.
    I found out the new guy had no interest in a long term relationship the same time my steady guy found out about the side relationship.
    Now I get to be alone to think about why good couldn’t be good enough.

  3. Had a kid with, and spent 5 years with a girl who ended up diagnosed with BPD. It’s been 7 years since she’s seen or talked to her kid.

    And I’m okay with that.

    Then like a year later I met another girl. Spent five years with her. Wanna take a guess as to what kind of person she turned out to be?

    The second one finally destroyed me. 1.5 years out I’m still picking up pieces.

    I’m a lot more careful about who I choose to be around these days.

  4. I messed up my love life in the past by accepting less than I deserved for the sake of not being alone.

  5. I enjoyed being a cheating manipulator that refused to compromise or not have everything my way. Now I’ve refused to settle down because I want things my way and my way is having multiple people to keep me distracted from being with one person. No one but myself caused me to be this way! I’m aware but I also refuse to change it.

  6. Wasn’t interested in having one enough in the first place. Maybe parents’ problems or the fact I was an ugly duckling growing up, who knows. Got myself traumatized and lost even more interest by dating the wrong guys in my 20s. Then stayed away from it for long enough that I got use to being on my own and now I don’t want to change my single life world that I’m happy with. That and when I see a potential and want to give someone a chance, I get highly anxious about the whole thing as it’s been way too many years and it doesn’t feel like riding a bicycle to me.

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