What are the most popular pizza variants in the USA? Is it pepperoni pizza?

  1. Pepperoni is a safe option. Apart from that, cheese & sausage are probably the 2 most common.

  2. Pepperoni is usually the standard option. It isn’t many people’s favorite, but its still popular and pleases the most people. I know I like it, but its my 2nd or 3rd favorite topping combo.

  3. Yep, pepperoni is the most common addition to a pizza at 36 percent of all pies contain it. We eat(I had to look it up) 250 million pounds of pepperoni a year. One of my favorite pizzas is pepperoni, bacon and onion. If I make one at home I’ll include sausage because it won’t have that anise flavor

  4. Cheese, pepperoni, and (Italian or ground pork) sausage are the standards.

    In terms of how pizza is served, we also have basically every pizza under the sun here. The local Christmas market started serving a flatbread pizza with bacon and creme fraiche and it was delicious. Neapolitan pizza is increasingly becoming trendy, a couple places in my area even have imported Italian ovens. We also have so many pizza styles of our own here. NYC, Detroit, St Louis all have their own styles. Chicago has TWO styles of pizza, and one of them is objectively better than the other.

    Pizza here is generally a group meal that is shared among friends and family rather than the Italian style of everyone-gets-their-own-pizza.

  5. Pepperoni has gotta be the most popular.

    Other very common toppings would be meats like sausage (ground Italian sausage), meatball (sliced and laid flat like pepperoni), bacon, slices ham. Chicken is pretty common these days although it’s not something I’d get. Anchovies are commonly kept in stock but often a love it or hate it thing for people.

    As far as veggie toppings, peppers and mushrooms are very common. Black olives, onions, also very popular. Margherita style is pretty popular these days with sliced mozz, tomato, and basil. Pineapple is divisive but popular, especially in conjunction with ham as Hawaiian style.

    We do NOT put corn on pizza.

  6. Pepperoni is the most common followed closely by cheese. After that probably sausage, olive & mushroom, and Hawaiian

  7. My standards are pepperoni and mushrooms. Sometimes ground beef, onions, bacon, and tomato.

    I love spinach, mushroom, and garlic on a white pie but they don’t have them where I live.

    I sometimes mix things up depending on who I am sharing the pizza.

  8. This does not answer your question at all, but I am going to say that Taco pizza is delicious.

  9. It must be cheese and pepperoni due to all the places that only serve cheese or pepperoni, which is any place that markets to kids or has a kid menu.

  10. just a fun fact, not really relevant, but since OP is german like me:

    We don’t really have the american pepperoni sausage in Germany, and pepperoni sounds like Peperoni/Pfefferoni, which means “chilli pepper” in german.

    So if you order a pizza with just pepperoni as a topping, they might give you a weird look and then give you something like [this](https://i1.wp.com/pizza-rezepte.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/DSC05897.jpg) if you insist.
    I remember being confused when I heard people ordering “peperoni pizza” all the time on american TV shows but then getting what looked like Salami pizza to me

  11. Cheese, pepperoni, combo (usually pepperoni, Italian sausage, bell peppers, mushrooms, maybe black olives)

  12. New York-style pizza with just the sauce and cheese is probably the most popular variety of pizza. Every decent-sized city has a pizzeria advertising it. Chicago-style and Detroit-style pizza are also probably in the top five. California-style is getting really popular, too.

  13. Pepperoni is most popular, Italian sausage is second most popular in terms of meats. For veggies, I’d guess it’s onions, mushrooms, green peppers are most common. You’ll often see something like sausage, onion & mushroom.

  14. Probably plain cheese, pepperoni, or Hawaiian are the top 3. I also saw a good amount of chicken bbq pizzas when I worked as a manager for a pizza joint for 2 years. Most common was either pep or cheese tho

  15. I always prefer supreme or combination

    Pepperoni, sausage, bell pepper, onion, mushroom, black olive. Cheese obviously.

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