So this is a pretty straight forward story, with alot of context. Honestly, I’m just trying to see if someone has a 3rd person perspective so I know how to move forward in the future, or did I do the right thing?

Anyways, met this girl at a place very similar to a flea market outlet. We have been meeting and hanging out over there the past 3/4 weeks, and I thought she liked me (got her number, we hangout, she hugs me when she sees me, when she leaves, I wait for her to leave and load up her bags, try to treat her nice), maybe I was wrong?

This weekend I was going to actually ask her out to somewhere besides meeting up every week there, and a situation occurred where I gave up on that. She found a light fixture and was asking me and my friends should she get it, but she doesnt have a man to install it. My friend jokingly says get your man (me) to do it, and she goes “what”, confused. He points at me, and she immediately says she cant get me/be with me because I am not vegan. My friend looks shocked, and says they do not see the correlation of a guy installing lights and not being vegan, and to explain, and she says she doesnt like meat. That turns into a hour long plus conversation about why, her beliefs, and ultimately I guess that was her way of saying she wasnt interested?

So she breaks down so much of stuff in a hour. She says I will not give up meat, so she cannot be with me. Actually, I’m open to eating better, avoiding more processed food, better healthy lifestyle I just feel like every once in a blue moon to have a nice well done steak. She also says she was married, and she is a ok cook (her ex recently asked her for a recipe for one of her dishes), not sure if this a red flag lol? Also she says she was vegan from birth, is hindu, doesnt smoke/drink, no kids, good job, things shes not willing to do in bed (which is akward but funny to say in front my friends lol), etc.

I’m actually in a very similar boat as her (I’m a year younger, no kids, but I have never married, dont smoke/drink, and not an employee but a entrepreneur that makes a very decent income either the same as her or I would say at least 50k more than her), but I am not vegan, and not really religious (I respect someones choice and not here to convince you to believe what I believe in).

The reason this is was weird to me is because at the age I am, I’ve never really dated or really been with someone. Most of life has been one night stands, married women sleeping with me, meeting trashy women, and hopping from woman to woman, I have never settled down or tried to date. Well I have but either was rejected, or there was a big red flag, so I assumed I’d just live like a bachelor. It feels weird to me because I’m open to being a good man and dating, just not perfect or know how to date, and I guess culture-wise she has to marry to date, and I dont believe in marriage at all for 99% of men. This is probably the first girl I treat with some class and who I didnt treat to immediately sleep with at first, but idk, I’m just venting at this point lol.

Ultimately after our conversation, I was still cordial with her, but I told her I was going load my stuff up, which I did, and spent the rest of the time talking to my friends about random stuff, so this was the first week where I did not help her load her stuff. My friend said I still should still pursue her, but in my mind, I think she has rejected me, so I’m not trying to be rude not loading her stuff, but if she aint interested its time for me to move on.

In my head, I feel like like I’m a good guy, I’m building assets, moving forward in life, and if shes not giving me a green light, to stop pursing and move on to someone else?

Just wanted to here some thoughts, I’ve rambled enough….

  1. She thought you were her friend. You acted like she was your friend. In the future, if all you’re interested in is finding a partner (which is fair) be upfront. Your friend easily obtained that information. You could have earlier too! Not everyone will want to be with you because you were nice when you thought you could get some.

  2. Reminds of a funny story my dad used to tell “the only meat a priest ate on Friday was nun” 😂😂😂

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