I (18m) went to a movie today with my dad. The theatre was packed and it was a romcom so a majority of the audience was female. Anyways i take my seat and next to me a young girl, similar to my age, I couldn’t even see her face as it was dark, no matter, I just watched the movie. I then noticed her glancing over at me, I noticed her doing it a few times to where I can assure she’s looking at me, boom, all of a sudden I get nervous, my heart starts beating fast, my hands sweaty. Like wtf is wrong with me, I didn’t even know exactly what she looked like. Little movements like a glance back at her or putting my arm on the rest next to her felt like I was making moves, but in reality I’m just a nervous wreck shifting in my seat. I focused more on her than the actual movie and she doesn’t even know. Any advice?

  1. well its hard to talk to girls at the movies in the dark when people dont really talk, especially when you are with your dad. so i would not read too much into it.

  2. Well I doubt she’ll be back at the movies anytime soon so hopefully you randomly bump into her

  3. I dunno, I usually find it gives me more confidence if a girl checks me out. Surely you must feel better about yourself to know that girls are interested?

  4. As for how to learn how to talk to women, best way is learning from experience. I had a friend in my late teens who was a natural so I learned a lot from him. When I went out on my own I got better at it because of failure. Once you’ve failed a few times you learn that rejection isn’t the end of the world thus becoming more comfortable with it.

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