I feel like the people I click with/like hanging out with the most are the ones who don’t like doing the same with me.

No offense meant, but it’s always the people with completely different interests who end up liking me and I don’t feel a click at all.

I feel like this cycle has destined me to never have a friend or S.O.

  1. You don’t need to have the same interests to make friends. You do have to be on the same wavelength and have a similar vibe though.

  2. It sounds like you’re choosing people who don’t want to hang out with you, but you want to hang out with them because they have that “something” you are looking for. It’s never going to work out and you’re going to be disappointed every time. You need to find people who want to be with you not the other way around.

    If that’s not acceptable then you have to accept that you are not wanted by the type of person that you want to be around.

  3. Maybe the people who don’t share your interests find it interesting to listen to you talk about them, while the people who do share that interest already know what you’re telling them about it, so they find you boring?

  4. just because you share interests with them doesn’t mean they have to be your friend. that goes for pretty much everyone. there will be people you share no interests with that would want to be your friend, and there are people who are pretty much exactly the same but don’t want to be your friend.

  5. They say opposites attract.

    Try being more open minded, if you think you have nothing in common and close minded right from the get go. You’re setting yourself up for failure.

    You may realize that you do have some similar interests.

  6. There’s something that feels a bit weird in all that you’ve written. You claim to be like non judgemental people you like, but somehow I get the impression that you judge people on a pretty shallow surface of the “like me” or “not like me”. For some reason it reminds me of someone I used to know, who would just assume all my opinions only because we both didn’t eat meat. And well, our opinions did differ a lot in the end. The fact that you think one person is like you doesn’t mean that they think the same.

    Maybe I am wrong. In such case maybe one of your problems is that when you really want to befriend certain person, you might accidentally overdo and put them in uncomfortable position. Maybe you look desperate to them? Maybe with people you don’t care much about, you’re more confident and funny, because you don’t pressure yourself to befriend them?

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