She isn’t really a morning person want to have a session with her befor getting ready anyone got any tips advice that might get her going

  1. Good luck! Either you’re a morning person or not in my experience! My ex was too worried about bad breath and not showering in the morning.

  2. Yeah converting non morning people is tough.. but start with a light back rub to wake her up, or you can put your face in between her legs and wake her that way

  3. God, I will never understand people who like morning sex. Everybody smells and it’s *early*. I don’t even want to be awake, let alone having sex.

    If she’s not a morning person, good luck changing that. Differences in circadian rhythm are to some extent innate.

  4. Yeah you have a tough one there. I gave up on morning sex since my partner is similar but it’s always very delightful when it does occasionally happen

  5. It’s a very common thing .

    The first and only priority is to respect her and respect that.

    Its not the right choice to be trying to change that situation because of what you want.

  6. Maybe save it for the days noone needs to work so you can have a bit of a sleep in first and that way noone is grumpy?

  7. I’m not particularly a morning person, but sometimes have morning sex. There’s not really a specific way it happens for us, last time we were just both awake before his alarm went off for work and spooning turned to sex. Usually sleepy sex, be that morning or middle of the night, starts with spooning and him getting hard and me giving some indication I’m somewhat awake and up for it. It just kind of happens. One thing I would recommend though is having a discussion on boundaries. For example for us, if I’m dead asleep leave me be or I will be grumpy, if I’m half asleep and ignore his advances, leave me be, if I’m half asleep and respond to his advances then just start slowly and gently.

  8. Yeah I’m not a morning person either and nothing in the world could turn me on enough first thing. If its not her thing drop it.

  9. For us, morning sex is a rarity. Like maybe 3 times in 33 years. It takes her time to wake up and be in a sexy mood.

    I think if we explicitly *planned* it, she’d be down. But that’s less fun so we don’t bother.

  10. Fun fact men run on a 24hr hormone cycle which is why a lot favour morning sex and wake up hard. Women however run on a apprx 28 day cycle, and usually results in mornings not being a time of high arousal, that’s usually more at night. Obviously life circumstances factor into it too. If she’s not into it, it’ll be hard to change that and better to just respect that. Someone did say try the weekend, may go better, but I also get the bad breath and not feeling your best right away.

    Personally I love it but I also wake up before whoever I’m with and slip into the washroom to freshen up lol so it’s not really soon as I’m up. Everyone’s running on a different clock

  11. Sometimes when we wake up horny/cuddling we grind on each other, one thing leads to another

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