edit: i asked him whether breaking up means we can never talk anymore and he replied ‘do we have any topics to talk about? do we have anything in common?’ what does that mean??

i(18f) broke up with him(18m) and he acts like he’s never known or cared about him

so i(18f) broke up with my boyfriend(18m) around two weeks ago – nothing personal, i’m just not capable of being in a relationship and i feel like we both seem to have different ideas of how it should look like. i was polite, just told him that we might not be the perfect match for a relationship.

two weeks went by and we haven’t spoken. not gonna lie, we were pretty close and he’s my best friend, so after the break up i still want to have at least a bit of contact with him. i texted him asking him about his weekend, how its going but he was kinda mean, negative and told me he doesnt understand me. i asked him why, and he replied ‘so we’re broken up or not?’ and i said ‘yes we are’, he replied ‘thats what i was talking about’ and havent texted me anything else.

does ending a relationship mean that you just stop talking to each other completely and vanish from each other’s lives?
did he only like me as his girlfriend and liked the affection i gave him and the moment i just want to have a platonic friendship he doesnt care if i live or die?
has he lost his feelings already or they were never there and he never valued me as a person and just liked having a gf?

  1. People handle break ups differently. I’m keeping short contacts with my ex trying to not be too involved. Even though I cared for him and had feelings. I now he struggling and by me contacting him, I’m reminding him of us being apart.

    I check that he’s cleaning and taking care of himself. Some can’t be friends with their ex and just want a clear break up with no contact as to have time to heal from the heart break and start to work on getting over the relationship.

    So it all depends on the person and how they handle breakups.

  2. He’s moving on. You broke up with him, and he needs space to get over you. Breaking up hurts, and sometimes people decide that they don’t want or can’t maintain a friendship with their ex. That doesn’t mean that you didn’t mean anything to him, but you’re his past, and he’s working on figuring out how to move on so he can work on his future.

  3. You left him, you threw the relationship away…and now you’re concerned he wants nothing to do with you?

    How arrogant are you?

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