Why do people like hayasaka more than fujiwara

  1. To any of my dudes reading this, weeb here. I believe OP is referring to two characters from an anime called Kaguya Sama, an anime which I love,however I’m not sure why OP is asking this question here, considering many of you will not know what he is talking about, this was probably just an accidental post.

    Again he could be talking about something completely different but this is what I just believe

  2. Why do people ask questions about obscure subjects and expect everyone else to know what they’re talking about?

  3. I prefer my right hand to my left when I have a wank. This is information no one needed to know. But i have no friggin idea what either of these are and I quite frankly don’t want to waste my time figuring it out.

  4. Probably more of an askanime question, but I’ll bite.

    Hayasaka tries hard and often appears cold and calculating, but she has a vulnerable side. She wants to be loved and wanted. It engages our lizard brains to protecc.

    Fujiwara is a ball of chaotic, talented energy and while that’s fun, that’s all it really is. There isn’t much depth to that character…at least not to me.

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