Back story on me is I’m a tall, athletic, pretty good looking guy. I have a good job and am doing well for myself. The problem is I was a late bloomer and have very little confidence in myself and really struggle talking to women.
The other day a very attractive girl (23) comes up to me and the gym, we talk, I get her number, and we eventually set up a date (huge boost to my confidence and a big step for me In general). We go out for food, it goes well, so she says we should grab drinks after. We do that and it goes great and she invites me back to her place. It’s going great there till my stuff decides it doesn’t want to work. She assures me it’s no big deal, we cuddle, do whatever else, and I spend the night. We try again in the morning and same thing happens. She again assures me it’s not big deal and it’ll be fine next time. She was leaving later that morning to go see her family for the weekend. Before I leave, we kiss, I tell her to text me and she says no you text me.
Maybe an hour later I send a text that I had a great time and it was fun getting to know her. She responds and basically says the same thing. I then tell her to drive safe, have a fun weekend, and hopefully I can see you next week. Haven’t heard back now in two days.
I realize this may just be a one night stand type thing but it really sucks as I did enjoy my time and was the most confident I have ever been with a women. Should I send her another text!? Should i wait and see if I see her at the gym again? (Our schedules don’t necessarily overlap all the time when we go). Should I just chalk this up as a learning experience and move on? I’m just confused as she genuinely seemed interested

  1. I) bring viagra ii) don’t send those lame texts after the meeting iii) due to last two, unlikely I’ll see her again I’m afraid

  2. Sounds like you either had the bad whiskey dick or just performance anxiety don’t sweat it, viagra can help with that problem and if it happens again maybe have some on standby but at the same time you could just have performance anxiety and you’ve just got to relax and take a chill pill, use this experience as a confidence booster I would she came upto YOU in the gym she got talking to YOU there will be many girls like it and she clearly wanted to go all the way so she may be back but at the same time she may not, again in my experience I would never double text although everyone’s different most women find it too clingy so one text will be enough.

    All in all use this as something to learn from don’t overthink it shit happens don’t worry about how you’re gonna perform in the sheets if you think you’ve messed up in round 1 there’s always other rounds to make it up and alot of people are just happy to be there

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