Title is self explanatory. To give some context the person he (23M) has called me (23F) by clearly had feelings for him, if not still does. He placed his boundaries clearly and things were awkward for awhile from what I heard but they seem to be on good terms and hang out in the same friend group.
First two times, tried not to think too much of it, was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. 3rd time, I got upset but eventually I calmed down and he explained to me his mind was scrambled and it’s likely his adhd, though he has never had this problem with me before. This is the point where my suspicions arose. 5th time, I get really upset and end up crying because it clearly means something, at least in my opinion. Also, apparently he called this person my name as well.
I don’t know if it’s because we’re both asian or something or because he’s going to cheat on me, but all I know is this not okay and I feel like this is a cause of concern.

Tldr; he got mine and his friend’s names mixed up multiple times

  1. Honestly this is every dudes worse fear

    I’ve called my gf every name on earth by accident but luckily not my exes (that she knows of)

    I have ADHD and I personally wouldn’t say it’s excuse

    But I would say he’s probably just used to hanging out with one Asian and it comes out …

    But also communicate … I would say thinking he’s gonna cheat is way too far

  2. I could see once or twice being an accident. But 5 times, knowing how much it upsets you seems kind of deliberate.

  3. What is he doing when he calls you by the wrong name? If it’s when you’re being intimate, that’s more of a concern than just regular conversation… Maybe.

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