What do you think is totally inappropriate but is commonly seen in today’s society?

  1. Asking people when they plan to have kids/if they’re pregnant.

    It’s no ones fucking business if we’re rawdogging, get out of here.

  2. Parents posting tons of photos of their children on social media.

    Oversharing, especially about mental health. I’m all for removing the stigma around the topic, but it doesn’t mean you have to lay out your entire history with mental illness to every person you meet in every non-professional setting.

  3. Vaping a whole ass cloud of blueberry smoke. Especially mere seconds before walking into a building. It’s gross.

  4. Today’s concept of dog ownership. People nowadays seem to think you NEED to own a dog. They get the dog but they don’t want to train the animal properly. Also people who seem to think their dog belongs everywhere: no. It doesn’t belong to the office, the gym, the mall or restaurants.

  5. People recording others in public. I really feel like people need to start asking permission to record others. On TikTok the amount of people I’ve seen who don’t know they are being recorded is insane.

  6. Playing music or videos through the speaker of one’s phone when in a public “waiting” area. And by that I mean a place where the public is generally sitting and waiting for something. A doctor’s office waiting room but also a train waiting for it to get to your stop, etc.

    I’m not keen on noise pollution in general, but in specific this seems a very easy solve with headphones or earbuds or simply turning on closed captioning and muting the YouTube video.

  7. May be an unpopular opinion but I find asking young children if they have a boyfriend and girlfriend SO inappropriate but yet people of ALL ages do it. I dont understand it, never will

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