A situation that tested your marriage, not the woman.

  1. Any woman who thinks it’s okay to test a marriage isn’t a woman I’d want to be involved with. You have to remember that that kind of relationship starts with her thinking that infidelity is okay. That opinion doesn’t magically change because she’s with you.

  2. Met an interesting woman? Often.

    One who I though “if I wasn’t married… 🤔” Again, pretty regularly.

    One who legit **tested** my marriage? Never.

  3. Few months ago I met a woman that just mesmerized me. She was everything I love about my wife, but new and fresh. Decided to not go to the office anymore when she was there.

  4. I meet interesting women all the time. Testing my marriage? Lol. Not only is that not an issue, but we shouldn’t act like every women we are attracted to or find interesting is interested in us at all.

  5. I meet interesting women all the time. Doesn’t mean there’s any chance of anything happening, lol. Even if I wanted it to. I’ve never been tested.

  6. I’ve had plenty test it but I’ve always rejected it.

    Why trade my wife (whom I love), 100% access to my daughter at home to spend time with her, my house, my friends (who would be forced to pick sides), etc….

    For getting laid one night.

    I don’t care how good that pussy is, that pussy is for one night and my wife, kid, and my friends are there until I die. Easy choice. Wife every time.

  7. I don’t think you’ll get many takers. Infidelity is a black and white issue for most, and guys who have been “tested” will either be ashamed to retell the story or will not be willing to share because they’ll get too much hate on here.

  8. I meet plenty, and none tested it even being propositioned for affairs or straight up hook ups. The only one that tested my marriage was my wife herself and her Facebook because there was a girl 15 year younger at this time that was engaged and wanted me to be her last fling before she got married. I did not know if my wife cheated or not, just over heard a convo when she pocket called me. I came close very close to making my wife a left over and partaking in the hook up culture with a list already willing, and ready to go. I gave my wife the benefit of the doubt, plus I knew I would be devastated not seeing my children as much as I could be. I understood she may of been seeking some kind of attention or validation, for I got that at my job on the regular and got my ego boosts. So if that happened I can not hold it against her. I stayed, never cheated and my wife has been treating me like a king ever since she learned I can play the game just the same or even better.

  9. Interesting as in fun to talk to and spend time with? Many times.

    I can’t imagine how a woman would “test my marriage”. I don’t even know what that would look like.

  10. It was nearly 20 years past. We had flirted often and had parties at my friends often. My wife played video games and didn’t come or went to her own friends we were mid 20s. We ended up kissing pretty heavy as her BF my best friend went out for Pizza. We stopped before sex and I apologized. We never talked about it again.

  11. There was no one who even made me think like that.
    No one could ever hope to compare to what I had

  12. Yes, two times early in my marriage, one was a single woman and another was married. Enjoyed the time together as friends but went out of my way to avoid any kind of development even though it was clear some feelings.. were there both times and one was clearly mutual.

  13. Was in the beginning months of my relationship with my wife(gf at the time). Was still talking with an old fling & she read our messages. Told me that if I’m going to be committed to this relationship, that I need to end all communication with the fling. I said okay. Unfriended her, deleted all messages & told her that we were no longer going to be in contact. That was 12yrs ago. Wife ended up cheating(emotional) on me twice during our relationship. Lol funny how that worked out.

  14. Once I got married I decided that unless it is work/school related or some unforeseen circumstance that requires my verbal involvement, I don’t need to talk to other women.

    Only a true shit for brains spouse would ever consider such an idea

  15. I had a situation where I ejected ASAP because I could feel the temptation rapidly escalating. The other girl was a friend of my wife’s and my wife had asked me to go over and fix this girls car. The scenario probably was a major contributor. I was fixing her car in a tank top, and she was of course talking about how hot it was, and that made my hindbrain fire on all cylinders. It was like a lead up to many adult films I may or may not have seen. We had met several times before, always with my wife present. I thought she was generally attractive (in a 7/10 sort of way), but she had a smile and a personality that triggered something primal in me. It was easy to ignore that with my wife right next to me, but going over by myself was rather trying.

    Getting the fuck out was the only way I could handle it, but test passed I suppose. I don’t think there’s been another girl I’ve ever met who could elicit that kind of response from me by hardly doing anything. Luckily we moved, so I think the chances of running into her again are slim. The real crazy part? My wife told me at one point she had a dream about sleeping with this girl. Not a threesome dream, just the two of them. I think this girl might be a real life succubus.

  16. No woman has ever tested my marriage. I have met attractive women, but at no point have I ever considered being unfaithful to my best friend. 15 years this April and still going strong.

  17. About 10-12 years ago I started talking to this girl and I realized we had too much in common so I immediately stopped talking to her and ignored her.

    Well in 2016 after my ex left me (she was cheating) I started talking to the other girl again and now we are happily married

  18. We paid for our session, left and said Fk therapy, pass or fail we aint commin back. Bullshit test.

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