Do you tease / are you playfully mean?

  1. I’m playfully mean. Idk why, but it’s hard to act nice around people I have a crush on, but usually they get the hint 😅

  2. No, because some people might dislike that. If I get to know them and the banter is teasing/playful then sure.

  3. I don’t want them to know that I have feelings for them, so I keep my distance and ignore them as much as possible until I’m back to platonically liking them.

    Also YMMV and all but I don’t consider being “playfully mean” anywhere near flirting, so even if I wanted them to know, I would definitely not do that. I keep banter for people I’m close friends with, and who I know share my humor and appreciate that kind of tone.

  4. I get nervous and babel on or embarrass myself which they sometimes find “cute”

  5. I act interested. I am interested in them. They are interesting to me. The interest is encouraged by romantic attraction, but it is interest nonetheless.

  6. I’m for sure playfully mean/teasing when I feel the chemistry with a fella. I enjoy smart, witty back and forth and riling each other up a bit.

  7. Give him “the look” when I wanna kiss him. Hold his hand. Make him laugh. Be extra smiley. Smack his butt. And of course, playful teasing.

  8. If that’s what they do, then yes. I have a friend that is like that, he shows affection by cheerfully roasting everyone. But he doesn’t take it personally when it’s done to him, either.

    I’m not going to treat most people like that though.

  9. I’m polite at first until i learn more about him and then i’m usually a playful banter type.

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