So I 26f started seeing this guy 28m and things were amazing. We were on the same page about everything, very open communication, there was such strong chemistry. We went on 3 dates over 3 weeks and we’re talking constantly.

The catch, so he recently go out of a 4yr+ relationship around 3 months ago. When I first found out I had concerns but he assured me that he wasn’t hung up on her or anything. After our 3rd date, which was the first semi serious beyond a first date type of date, I could tell something was up and I had a feeling that it might be too much too soon for him. Well if you can’t tell by the title I was right. He told me that he wasn’t ready for a relationship yet and he needed to work on some things.

I 100% get it and understand and I want him to figure things out for himself. It wouldn’t be fair to either of us if he’s not in a place to fully commit. I’ve been there. I told him that when he is ready I wouldn’t be against seeing where things are between us. He thanked me for being cool about it and understanding and that’s the last we spoke.

Under all the romantic and flirty bits I do genuinely like him as a person and I don’t want to lose him from my life. I’m sure that part of me wants to be around when he is ready again but I don’t expect that to happen anytime soon and I want to stay friends with him. Be able to send him cool stuff that he would like or chat every once in a while. But I definitely don’t want to be friend zoned.

How do I go about asking him to be friends, or should I even ask. Also how long should I wait to reach out? It ended very recently so I do any to wait a bit to ensure that I have no ulterior motives, but I do want to ask. Please help and tell me what/ how I should do.

TLDR: how do I ask a guy who ended thing because he wasn’t ready for a relationship yet to stay friends?

  1. It doesn’t really sound like he wants to be your friend, but you can just reach out and ask.

  2. In order to stay friends, you would need to *be* friends. You went on three dates, so you would really be asking to *become* friends.

    Further, he lied to you when he said he wasn’t hung up on his very recent ex. (Which was a rather obvious lie, by the way.)

    You really don’t know him as well as you *feel* like you do. You weren’t “on the same page about everything” – for example, wanting to be in and being ready for a relationship. You didn’t have open communication – he lied! So no, I don’t think it’s worthwhile attempting to become friends with him, particularly given that you would be hoping and waiting for him to come around.

  3. Are you more interested in having a friend or in being around when he’s “ready for a relationship”? You’ve got to give one of them up.

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