To be a bit brief I met a girl i really like on December, we hanged out for a bit and i kept some contact with her on instagram through the christmas holidays and when we came back i asked her to go out for drinks. She misunderstood and told me to bring my friends too, i had to tell her that my friends weren’t available at the time (which wasn’t a lie) and that i preferred if it was just the two of us anyway and she told me okay. However when the date day came and i messaged her to confirm she told me that she had to study for the finals that were coming up in a few days. I understand this can be an excuse to not go but i also found it reasonable.

At the end of the month, when the finals finished, i messaged her about going to the gym with me, (we had discussed about starting gym together), she told me she was going to visit her parents on the small break before lectures start again but she said she was definitely interested.

Now that that’s done i messaged her again about the gym and she said she is planning to start work soon so she wants to wait to see how her schedule is going to be but she will now for sure next month.

At this point this has long run its course and normally i would have accepted that she isn’t interested in me but at the same time it’s not like she is dismissing me completely, she keeps saying that she wants to do these things and she seems engaged when we are texting but there are constant delays which on one hand are very reasonable excuses but at this point i’m not sure if i should persist anymore.

  1. Tldr but you should never pursue women. Never. You give them an invitation to your world and if they take it great, if not, you keep going.

  2. It’s been at least two months. Get the hint. Move on.

    She is actively pursuing somebody. There is at least one man she is initiating contact with, texting, calling, dating, sleeping with. If it isn’t you, move on. And you’d better believe it isn’t you, because she is not going to allow a man she’s interested in to wait two months and find another woman in that time! Be logical about it.

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