Like, men need to be strong, they need to know how to pick themselves up, they need to control their emotions. As men, the list of things you need to do goes on and on. You have to be kind and compassionate. Do you ever get tried of it all?

  1. We all have those days when it all gets to be a little too much

    Then you push past it, rinse and repeat

    As long as you’re making sure that you take time out for you to get your head on straight, you’ll be ok

  2. The messages out there in popular culture about what a man should or shouldn’t be are horseshit. The only thing that matters is being true to yourself. Trying to conform is a recipe for unhappiness and alienation from your true self.

  3. Yes I do.

    Then I remember that it’s mostly women expressing these opinions, and that these women have no authority over me.

  4. Yes! It can be exhausting to fit into the box of a ‘Good Man’. Mainly because being a ‘Good Man’ is a waste of oxygen in the first place. Be a *Good Person*. Self-improvement is the way forward. Not made easy in the rat grind of your local capitalistic hellhole but something to pursue all the same.

  5. Well, no. I grew up before social media and the participation trophy, so I learned most of this at a young age, so it doesn’t seem like such a burden I guess.

    What’s wrong with a man being in control of his emotions and being accountable?

    You don’t have to be kind and compassionate if you don’t want to, it’s just easier. If you greet people with aggression, they will return it, usually goes the same for kindness. 🤷🏽‍♂️

  6. It gets tiring when you’ve become or overcome those things.

    Literally nothing wrong with becoming a better person.

    And then when you’ve overcome these things, you realize the message no longer applies to you.

    Bam, now you’re over it.

  7. No, I don’t. I’m not massively concerned about that kind of “talk. I don’t want to have a reputation for being a jerk, so I try to be polite and courteous to everyone; I don’t think the strong part is that important, but learning to pick yourself up and control your emotions are really essential life skills.

  8. Damn. Brother was just looking for support & a bunch of andrew tate sycophants ripped him apart.

    Is it possible that you can be tired yet still grinding?

    The stats on men committing suicide are startling. Lets have each others backs rather than gaslight each other?

    Feel free to direct your ire at me now, bunch of frail ass internet bullies 🤙🏽

  9. We all have to be adults at the end of the day. We all know what a good adult is, do your best to meet that standard each day.

  10. I did that after even a therapist told me that. And then I proceeded to end contact with all the people who refused to help me get back on track, because they had shown in all sincerity that they had no intention of being useful ever. Those people were shocked. “Why would you not want to have anything to do with me when I only hang around for the good times?!” Yeah, I wonder.

    Ever since it is love for my brothers and indifference for everyone else.

    Play the game and see the shock when you win.

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