I was at the grocery store after yoga today and a cute guy started a conversation with me. I didn’t think much of it but then he talked to me again in the checkout line, and again outside the grocery store. He asked me a few questions, started conversation and complimented my outfit. I was honestly flattered and interested and found his confidence in approaching me in the wild refreshing.

The issue is that I am awkward, introverted and working on my self love. I haven’t dated much after being with one person from my teens to my 30’s. I ended up continuing some of the conversation but in the end didn’t know what to say, panicked, told him to have a good night and walked away. Oops.

In the future, what could I have done to express my interest back? Continued the conversation longer, asked him questions, got closer in physical proximity to him? Complimented him back? I am clueless. I would have loved to give him my number. I definitely need to practice more but would welcome suggestions and advice.

  1. “hey, let me grab your number and maybe we can get coffee sometime.”

    If they say yes (he will) go out and do that thing.

    If they say no. Go about doing whatever you were doing anyways.

  2. Doesn’t sound like you are clueless. On a side note try going back to the store on the same day at the same time. People are creatures of habit and he might be there again. If he is then say hi don’t wait for him to build up the courage to talk to you again.

  3. I don’t have any advice, other than if it happens again, you know what to do.

    Approaching women in public has been something I’ve been trying to do more as a comparison to apps. It’s the only way I’ve met people to date in the past.

    It’s hard for guys bc we usually have to make the first move, and have no idea if you’re going to be annoyed that we interrupted you or maybe you’re just dating someone already.

    I’m also an introvert and love an introverted woman, but I know from myself, we can be very avoidant people even when there is a strong interest. That makes it super hard for two introverts to initiate anything. I was staying at this hotel recently on vacation by myself, and right as I was about to pass these two women at the hotel bar I heard one of them say, “Here’s your chance…” to the other. I had already walked past and told myself they couldn’t have been talking about me, but that is probably the likely answer based on their body language and timing. I’m so introverted I noticed a few woman very obviously ogling me as I was coming back from surfing, but was still too avoidant to approach them. In hindsight, I think for women, staring at a shirtless man directly and not looking away is probably the clearest sign of interest there is. That’s a pretty bold move. And I’ll still talk myself out of it.

    So, long winded way to say…I feel your pain. All we can do is do better next time. 😀

  4. “Hey can I borrow your phone real quick?”

    *put in your number*

    In real life I’m in no way this smooth. Please let me know if it works XD

  5. Smile. Active listen. Mention you’ve gotta run, but would love to continue this sometime.

  6. Just be alert… continue as you feel comfortable. Don’t rush and check in with self…

    He may just be looking to give you a mustache ride …
    Or he may really just see you and wanna see what else … sometimes ppl don’t suck … so … Pursue or be open to being pursued … as you feel like it.

    Maybe use “ text now “ app for a number to give … proceed with caution ⚠️

  7. Literally all of the things you said at the end would’ve been great, lol.

    But hey no sweat, you acknowledged it.

    It’s hard to know what to do in those situations especially when you’re feeling almost deer in the headlights.

    You should exchange numbers or socials or something.

    What I’ve done in the past, is just give out my card to people.

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