We were together for around 2 years and then I messed up. I was a good boyfriend throughout but I got a bit tired of her being lazy and maybe felt a bit stuck and locked in since we were living together and didn’t really spend much time apart, even when going out with friends we’d do everything and nothing together.

The fuck up is that I messed up by looking for girls on sites that I shouldn’t have even though I’d never have looked in real life. Stupid I know. Long story short she broke up with me.

Then I went away for a weekend about a couple weeks later and she told me that she got with someone, (not full sex but basically everything else) to which I went a bit crazy at her and said some pretty terrible things, I was extremely drunk at the time, doesn’t excuse it I know. She also told her friends who now don’t speak to me, we were all friends originally and built the group almost at the same time as our relationship, but now most of them despise me as far as I can tell. She also told her family who aren’t too keen on me although I don’t know the full extent, prior to this they absolutely adored me which is a first for one of her bfs.

Anyways, it’s been about 3 months apart and she has recently reached out out to me on a few weekends in a row saying that she misses me, I didn’t see these at the time and I ended up texting her last weekend. We talked all day and confessed that we both miss each other, idk it just felt really nice to talk to her. Initially I would’ve got back with her in a heart beat. Though I came to accept being single and have taken time to reflect and mature and learn from the experience. But now after speaking to her, my heart has sunk and I’m wanting her back again. I’ve basically told her this over text but she kind of avoided the talk of it, now it’s been a few days and we’ve exchanged a couple of texts (mainly me) but nothing much.

I now feel like I’d do anything to get her back tbh, is there anything that I can do?
Is it too far gone?

  1. Once you have broken her trust the relationship will never be the same either with her, her family or your friends . You will always be the bad guy trying to make it right, digging yourself deeper in the hole.

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