I have really bad sex anxiety with my gf, to the point we won’t have PIV sex because we both get very anxious about pregnant. She’s not on BC right now, but considering IUD since it’s not hormonal and seemingly more effective than the pill (99%). If I use a condom + spermicide + pull out + she is using the IUD, is it safe to assume her pregnancy chances are 100%? Even 1% chance makes me weary as stupid as it is. I am just so not ready for a kid right now.

  1. No, nothing is 100% safe, other than not having any type of sex where sperm can enter the vagina.

    But the combination of condom+spermicide+pull out+IUD is so incredibly close to 100% that I’d say it’s a negligible difference. It’s definitely an overkill in most people’s book, and will result in a risk of pregnancy that is significantly less than 1%.

  2. Condom + IUD is essentially 100% safe to prevent pregnancy. The IUD alone is >99% effective, so adding the condoms is just another layer of safety.

  3. The percents don’t work like that.

    They’re based on couples having sex using that method of birth control for a year, the percentage is how many couples don’t fall pregnant.

  4. Yeah you guys are safe lol, she should know and track her cycle, don’t be so paranoid, do research yourself (aka don’t listen to strangers on Reddit)

    Best advice from a stranger tho
    There are strips for her to pee on and check her LH levels every day, and apps to go with it to see where she is in her cycle (Girls are only fertile for about 3 days a month and sperm can only live for about 3 days in her as well)
    But just with this knowledge you can avoid those days for piv (there are plenty of other things you two can do 😉
    But that, with just condoms/IUD would be fine as long as both of you are diligent about knowing where she is at in her cycle
    Also know that the side effects of the IUD as well, a lot more is coming out about them

  5. Only you can answer this question.

    My wife and I have always been big believers in at least 2 forms of birth control.

    pill + spermicidal condom + pull out
    spermicidal condom + pull out
    vasectomy + pull out
    etc, etc, etc

    But, as others have said, nothing except abstinence is 100% safe.


  6. We’ve been raw dogging w/o pullout and her on Pill form BC for 3 years. No kiddies yet. Both us are young and healthy.

  7. Nothing is 100%. Statistically there is a nonzero percent chance of getting pregnant. Meaning that the chances are very small but not zero. Your only guarantee is if you don’t have sex. And depending on your religion, that’s also not 100%. There is an appreciable amount of virgin births in mythology.

  8. The only 100% safe thing is to not have sex. Ut since that’s not gonna happen here, the more precautions you add the lower your risk factor will be. However, there is a point when you don’t need to keep adding on more methods. Condoms plus IUD is a great combo to go with. Plus I think using condoms makes cleanup afterwords easier

  9. The iud is more effective than the pill yes.there’s a likely chance she can get pregnant if she isn’t routinely consistent with the pill.

    She should talk to her doctor about BC options that will work best for her.

    I personally am glad I have an iud.

    Like others said nothing is every 100% but the combo of condom/pull out + iud if effective.

    Good you’re both thinking about protection. But if you BOTH are this anxious about penetrative sex then it sounds like you should wait tbh.

  10. If you get pregnant with those precautions your next step should be to buy lottery tickets. Because that’s about the chances you have if both methods are used correctly. Nothing will ever be 100% but that’s just because science is weird. It’s as safe as you could possibly be.

  11. You don’t want kids, and have anxiety around sex. That can be rough to manage 😖

    No birth control method is 100% effective (except not having sex). However, I don’t think that the core issue here is the effectiveness of birth control. I think the issue that you both need to address is the anxiety about sex/pregnancy. A therapist can help you learn to manage that.

  12. Crash course in basic statistics:

    Percentage means “by 100”, so 99% becomes 0.99, 1% becomes 0.01 and so on.

    If some thing A has a likelihood of 0.01 and another thing B has a likelihood of 0.2, then the likelihood of them happening together (I.e. getting pregnant using two kinds of birth control) is AxB or 0.2×0.01 = 0.002 or 0.2%.

    So using two forms of birth control makes you a LOT safer. If you’re using 4, that’s… overkill, and you might also be entering winning-the-lottery territory when it comes to likelihood. Not that that’s a great argument since people don’t get that either.

    100%, no. One of the methods would have to be perfect. But at some point you need to start thinking about what other dangers you’re freaking out about. 1% is about your chance of dying in a car crash in your lifetime.

  13. Is it really low…. yes? People have had kids on BC before. Unless you’re physically unable to make swimmers or she’s had her ovaries/womb removed there is always a chance. But odds are it won’t happen to you.

    Have you had a what if conversation with her? Plan B being Plan B/Abortion? If she’s not down for that then you’re playing a very low risk Russian roulette. She could say she’s okay with that and change her mind later…

    Personally, I think the risk is worth it, but that’s something you have to decide.

  14. No form of birth control is 100% effective. Also, wearing a condom and taking some sort of contraceptive/having an implant as well doesn’t increase the percentage of effectiveness.

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