I’ve went on 2 dates with this girl the last 2 Thursdays and am planning on another date with her this Thursday. 1st date was a simple dinner then movie, 2nd date went almost 8 hours first was dinner then bowling and games then I invited her over to my dorm for some pool and Minecraft. And then yesterday I asked her out on a 3rd date this time building snowmen, sledding, watching the sunset then getting dinner and watching a movie at my place.

I want to finally make a move and go in for the kiss this time and I think she’s expecting it I wanted the 3rd to be more romantic than the last 2 as well to set the mood better. Idk if it’s my insecurity from a couple bad previous relationships that left me feeling used and unconfident but idk unlike the last few dates on the past idk when to make a move and kiss her. I really like this girl we text daily I try not to come across as needy or desperate because I’m not but sometimes I come across that way.

My dormates think she likes me too from their short encounter with her I think so too but after a couple rough breakups and “friendzones” I feel less confident about if girls really like me. Sorry for the Ted Talk but what should be my approach? This is a very important date for me.

  1. If she agreed to go on a 3rd date with you, she likes you.

    Don’t overthink it and don’t force it. Be confident in yourself knowing she is there with you because she genuinely wants to be.

    If you wait too long to make a move, it’s easy to get friendzoned. So I do suggest you make the move, just don’t beat around the bush too much. If you don’t have confidence right now, fake it til you make it.

  2. Have the perfect idea for you. Buy a Hersheys kiss. At the BEGINNING of the date, hug her hello and give here the hersheys kiss, then ask if she wants another kiss. If she says yes, kiss her then enjoy your date!

  3. Let me give you a tip.

    With women, always do what you want to do, but give her a way out in case se doesn’t want to. I never ask to kiss a woman anymore I just do it if I feel like it, and i literally don’t care if it’s first date, first 5 minutes, 5th date or whatever. Just don’t do it very fast, and do it in a way that doesn’t surprise her.

    Look her in the eyes, look at her lips, put your head towards her slowly. If she doesn’t back off, go for the kiss.

    If she doesn’t reciprocate it’s ok to ask her how she’s feeling. Just never ever apologize, unless you’re doing so out of politeness, for example “sorry but I just really felt like it in that particular moment” (said calmly and with a smile). You kissed her because you wanted to right?

    With some women i have even gotten so far as Immediately had sex with her or received blowjobs within 5 minutes of meeting her. I would be very careful doing this if you are inexperienced, and its better to be careful if you’re not 100% sure of what you’re doing. You can get into serious trouble if you misread the situation, which is very easy in that situation because you’re body is exploding with hormones after all!

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