Okay, so there is this boy that I had a first sight crush one day.I saw him several times and I am way too shy to have the courage to go talk to him.

I saw him for the first time on a ig story of a guy, he is indian, like me (and having a relationship with someone with the same culture as me tend to be an ideal).He is physically perfect I think, of course I’m not idiot, I don’t know his personnality and this is the most important, but I don’t know why, he has good vibes.

I saw him two times on a nightclub and two other times in the street near to where I saw him the first time.

Each times, I tought he was so handsome. Oh I also sa him on tinder but he didn’t match me 🙁

To be honest, I have no confidence in myself, no it’s not that in fact, I can have confidence in myself but for him, impossible. I’m not that pretty and I’m fat, and I think his type is the pretty slim girl. How I know that ? Some stalking and he would swipe me on tinder if he was interrested.It’s true that physically we don’t play in the same league BUT I think I’m quite a good person and always trying to be the best person I can. I care for people I love, I’m passionate by several things and I’m quite intelligent (I’m a medical student).

Sooo I have two choices, one is to have some courage and actually going to talk to him, like I can maybe add him on insta but idk, I’m so shy, we have some friends in common from far so I’m scared he talked to people and say that I dm him and they make fun of me. And even if I do that, I don’t know what to say… What I’m supposed to say if I’m going to talk to him to not be cringe cringe and be interressant ? Somes ideas ?The other choice is to actually forget him, in reality, I already tried but I can’t, I don’t know why.I know I’m too naive but I always tought that when I’m going to see the man of my life, it will be so obvious that I will have no doubt, like God is sending me a message. And the first time I saw him in real, I had a flash like,I said in my head : it’s him.Maybe I’m delusional, maybe I should lose weight before going to him (that’sanother story I can tell you if you interrested). But if you have advices to forget about a man you never talked to, please help me.

Thank you to have read my little story 🙂

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