I’ve been going to the local gym for over a year, maybe two idk and I haven’t made any solid climbing friends. Everyone boulders here and I’m more of a sport climber, so I don’t have a crash pad to offer for going outside. Should I just invite myself to people’s hangouts? I met a girl and she’s nice but not super friendly and open if that makes sense. Should I ask if they ever went outside I’d like to come?

I don’t want to come off as pathetic even though I definitely feel like I am. I feel alienated for not having climbing friends here. Not to sound like an ass but maybe it’s because I’m moderately good and so others assume I already have a group? If any climbers could give me specific advice that’d be great.

For reference I am 25 F

  1. Check out the Ladies Climbing Coalition! I climb with some awesome gals who are involved and they love it.

    Disclaimer: no personal experience with the org for reasons

  2. Facebook and Instagram are dangerous places. You can sometimes find really nice groups, sometimes you don’t.

  3. My climbing gym had a sign-up board for belayers. I would put my number up and people would call me. Sometimes I would call somebody that was already in the gym.

    Sometimes I would sit in the chairs with a book looking around every so often for a group of two and ask them if I can join them.

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