most men i know say i am very pretty and that i am a nice person. i approach guys if i think they’re cute and i understand i may not be everyone’s cup of tea but goodness im confused. recently, i simply compliment them and they react by looking shocked or get very happy but that’s it like one of them didn’t even speak he just smiled big. should i change my approach? maybe i am being weird?

honestly hats off to men who approach women because it’s probably even worse.

  1. It is way worse because the creature you are approaching has also a inflated self ego and the belief someone will come st you without effort. It also happens in gay dating. Bottom approaches all the time tops because they are full of themsleves

  2. > i simply compliment them and they react by looking shocked or get very happy but that’s it like one of them didn’t even speak he just smiled big

    You know most guys don’t get complimented by women? Like…ever? My guess is you assume women’s dating and men’s dating is the same, which couldn’t be more wrong.

  3. most (99.99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999%) guys don’t get approached by women, you could ask if they want you’re phone number

  4. Umm it’s just unusual and I think if someone did that to me it would make me flustered and wonder if I’m being punk’d

  5.’s not so bad. Never been a pick up line guy but I’d say 50% of the women I approached seemed interested enough to chat for a bit. I will admit most of those interactions lead to nothing but some lead to a fun time.

    As a guy, I applaud you for taking the initiative. A strong and confident woman is attractive and a breath of fresh air for most guys.

  6. I was one of those smiling idiots recently. For me it was because it was so genuine and out of nowhere that I was sure I misheard. Been crushing on her for a bit now so seemed too good to be true. My usual go-to is to complement them back, but when the words didn’t come I just panicked a little and kept moving. Oof.

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