M23 I don’t drink, don’t like the music in bars and I’m in general not a party guy. I don’t know many people in my hometown but I can’t take enough regular time to travel to socialize. Tbh, there is nothing for me in bars except meeting women.
How do I get into that? I don’t want to get reputation as “the alone weirdo wallflower” or “the local creep”. And I don’t want to end up becoming friends with some guys and then have to keep being with them and being kept from talking to women.
Do I go there and start hitting on girls first time there or do I do something different before I start with that?
I have my own apartment and car.
Fyi, I’m NOT looking for soulmates there.

1 comment
  1. As soon as you walk into a bar find the first group of girls and talk to them, introduce yourself, shake their hands. Do that because women are watching you even when you think they aren’t and it will show that you are not afraid to socialize and that you might know people. Be social and go towards that thought that makes you nervous because when you run away from it and retreat into your shell you will come off as a creep and a wallflower

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