I know how it sounds, really shitty. Me (19)and my partner (21) both non-binary have had a lot of issues in the six months we’ve been together. I got kicked out by my mom and my partner had me move in since then we’ve had multiple issues, mostly stemming from me having borderline personality disorder. My partner and their family have a lot of issues. Between incest, sexual abuse, and making child abuse into a joke I don’t like them. Along with that my partner is very close with people they’ve dated and have liked very intensely. It makes me uncomfortable and I’ve expressed such. They stopped talking to this one ex who was using them financially. But their friend who they were obsessed with they refused, but I’ve given up there. I recently got a new job that I love. The people are great and I clash well in the environment. It’s nice being around other Hispanics since my partner is white and I’m not close to my family. But it’s kinda beyond that. I dream about coming to work. Hell I woke up one morning asking how to make the vanilla syrup. I look forward to going to work after my two days off. I don’t long to spend time with my partner. I definitely still love them and I enjoy spending time watching movies and cuddling. But something’s wrong. Any advice?

1 comment
  1. There’s so much going on here…

    I’ll suggest this, seek some counseling/therapy to tackle some of this one thing at a time. You’re unhappy and need to resolve some things before you can fix the relationship with your partner.

    But in regards to your partner you need to figure out some boundaries that you can both live with and stick to them. They are very important for you to have and others to respect.

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