i dont know what to feel.

hey, im f20, and boyfriend, well ex. m22. yesterday, he mentioned out of nowhere that he was tired, and mentioned that we should temporarily split from eachother. we love eachother very much, weve been dating for a little more than a year. during those timss we fought about small things, made up and its been always this way. our relationship was great, as if we were made for eachother, but as time passes we noticed that if we met in a better time, things could have been so much better. were both mentally unstable, last year has been tough for the both of us due to personal reasons. back to yesterday, he mentioned that we should temporarily split up, god, it hurt really bad. we promised to sachother that one day, when were better we would go back to how we were, one day, we will come back to this. he begged me to stay in contact, to not ghost him. it broke my heart when he tried to make me laugh when i started crying, when he started crying too and saying hes sorry. it breaks my heart. i love him so much and its driving me insane. i keep waiting for his messages until now. i keep telling my friends im okay, when im not, i cry everytime my head goes blank, i need constant distraction to not cry, its driving me insane.

broke up, but promised to get back together when things get better both sides, but i cant help but still cry and think about it.

1 comment
  1. > mentioned that we should temporarily split from eachother.

    Don’t put up with this “temporary” bullshit. You aren’t a movie, you don’t get put on pause. You can’t control someone else and it’s this guy’s right to break up with you, but let him know clearly that you are not going to be around when he’s interested again.

    Then feel crappy for a while, and move on.

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