I’ve (40M) been seeing and talking to this girl for about a month and she recently told me she wants to be with me so we are making plans to see each other again Saturday and I was thinking about doing something like setting up the room with flowers and having a trail of flowers to the bed as this is our first time being together and I want it to be special and memorable because I really like her and i want more than just sex and that’s where I’m conflicted cause I don’t know if it’s just sex or will lead to more.

But my question is, Is it a good idea to do what I’m thinking (making the room romantic – flowers, music, maybe some drinks) as a first time with her?

Or would this be considered “love-bombing” as she said that is a turn-off.

Should I just stick with the regular maybe just music and drinks because after a week of waiting I believe we are more than ready. I think we might just literally tear into each other.

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