What’s something you guys wish you did before you turned 21? Or something you did that you think every guy should do when they turn 21.

  1. don’t drink and drive or get in the car with someone who’s been drinking.

    you may get away with it once or 100 times, but someday, you very well might regret it. it can go bad in a matter of seconds.

  2. There are no prizes for drinking a lot of alcohol. Even on your 21st birthday. In fact, it can really hurt you.

    Some people enjoy drinking, and that’s fine. But a lot of Americans turn 21 and think they’ve joined some kind of drinking race. There is no glamour about it. It does not make you cool.

    A better investment in your social life would be learning to be candid/talkative/gregarious *without* the disinhibiting effects of alcohol. I turned 21 many years ago, and I’m still working on this.

  3. I was 21 when I graduated college. I highly recommend it. The future is not bright for people with only a high school diploma.

  4. So what’s up with you looking at a $38k BMW and tinting for a 2023 TRD camry, all while applying for UPS? Without knowing the actual details, i’m gonna suggest that you learn some basic personal finance and not do shits like this. If you don’t know how taxes work and what an IRA is, now is the best time to learn. And if you haven’t already, stay away from all this crypto and cash sending bullshits.

  5. Hey I’m turning 21 in a week too, happy birthday. I’ll say my advice for you is to have a good one 🙂

  6. Don’t die of alcohol poisoning.

    Put $10 a week into savings & don’t touch it until you’re old.

    That’s really all I’ve got.

  7. On your birthday save enough money for an uber.

    Besides that, I wouldn’t say emphasize so much on *saving* money because you’re probably not making that much to begin with. Enjoy yourself, and do not go buying drinks for minors. Immediately in the eyes of the law you are a full fledged adult.

  8. Save money , you will get tired , try hard but dont push your self to the edge , many things wont work out , take break then try harder , invest in your self

  9. take care of your body.

    at 21 you feel invincible, but trust me it doesn’t last. you can help slow down time but eating healthy, staying active and fit.


    the older you get, the harder it is to get in shape, but if you start now and maintain healthy diet and workout routine, you will look 21 years old into your 40s.

  10. Before 21? Nothing. There’s nothing magical between 18 and 21 to do. At/After 21? Again, not much really happens aside from being able to enter bars, some clubs, and maybe strip clubs. The main advice is to learn to control your alcohol intake. There’s no prize for consuming dumb amounts of alcohol. Stop your self after 3 or 4 and just enjoy the night.

  11. Learn to love yourself, be authentic to your true self (even if you think you’re weird) acknowledge your own needs and wants and desires, and do things that make you happy.

  12. I suggest you make your priorities career, then financial security, then (permanent) housing, then relationship. That’s assuming you want a relationship, which is definitely optional.

    Get the best job you can, and look for better. Start packing that 401k or IRA right now. If you’re in a situation to max it out, do it. Live bare-bones for a few months, until you can get $10k/3 months of expenses into savings. This will keep you mobile, in case you need to move for a job, and it will do amazing things for your mental health.

    If you buy property, don’t buy more house than you need. Small properties are cheaper and easier to maintain, and they will take a smaller bite out of your income. Again, all great for your mental health, and ultimately your happiness.

    Relationships should wait until the other bits are in order. Having your life together will attract a higher caliber of partner, and having your safety nets in place will let you go into a relationship with less stress and drama. Having a partner (and/or kids) will severely limit your mobility, and your ability to make your own decisions. Don’t undervalue those freedoms.

    Drinking is wildly overrated. Enjoy it responsibly, or at least in a controlled environment. Drinking is not a substitute for personality. It does not make you fun, it makes you loud, obnoxious, and impulsive. Anyone who can’t have a good time without alcohol (etc.) is not worth your time.

  13. Get finance in a uncompromising situation. Get educated in stocks and the vehicles used to increase investments. Decide on a plan of action for future ventures and retirement and break it for absolutely nothing or no one.

  14. Don’t get too wrapped up with drinking. I did it and now I’m 28 and fucked because I let it get hold of me. Don’t get me wrong, go out and party. But know when to stop and try not to let it become a habit.

    As someone higher up in the thread said, there are no prizes for being a big drinker, you just end up knackered a few years later.

  15. Don’t overdo it on your 21st birthday night, you should remember the event. As for twenties, take it seriously, but still have fun. Start saving money, start finding hobbies, eating healthy, exercising constantly. Your 30 and 40 year old body will thank you. Until then, have a great night.

  16. Don’t chase love. You can’t “fix” a person with love. Focus on your development and actualization. People are incredibly fickle. Life isn’t easy. Promises of forever are shortsighted or downright deceptive. We are not here to be happy but to endure. Save money and get a place that you OWN. Renting is a scam. The system doesn’t care for you. Good luck.

  17. Don’t be upset if you’re life doesn’t magically turn fun. Seriously. I remember I was like “when I turn 21 I’m gonna start having so much fun.” lol nothing changed except my age.

  18. If you can, stay at home. Save save save. What can I say, I’m boring. But I’m at the point I can buy a turnkey house in cash. And being a debt free home owner is a milestone I would prefer to hit early.

    Debt free is the way to be.

  19. Max out your savings/investments ( and not crypto, if you want to gamble try football or mining stocks) and retire at 40-45. I’d go to the gym 3+ days a week forever starting at ( or before) 21. Improve yourself first, everything else second.

  20. Be in your perfect job by about 30-35.

    You have about a decade, so don’t panic and don’t overthink it.

    Other than that, **start an investment account right now**. You’d be amazed what happens to a basic account over a 20-year period.

  21. Don’t feel like you have to get shit faced, but make sure it’s with the right people if you do go out!
    Also start putting 10% of your checks away into savings and don’t touch it ever until you can invest in property or something that will help build your income. But start with 10%

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