So I have a new coworker who I find attractive and I wanna get to know her. At this point it’s been too busy to have more than a couple brief interactions. So I was wondering at this point would it be weird to ask if she’s single? Or should I talk to her more and wait a bit?

**Normally I don’t get involved with coworkers but I’m leaving this job pretty soon so I don’t care about shooting my shot.**

  1. Yes, it would be weird. Get to know her more first and she will talk about her boyfriend if she has one.

  2. The way you do this is to be tactful. In casual conversation say something along the lines of “so what do you and your boyfriend like to do in your spare time?” If she’s single she may reveal that fact in answer to that question. Then of course you can follow that up with “oh, so what do you like to do in your spare time?” After she answers and if you share one of her interests, you could segue with “Oh, I like hiking as well. I know this great spot, would you be interested in joining me sometime? We could talk about it Friday evening at <insert name of popular hangout place> over a couple of drinks.” See if that works out for you.

  3. Do your job, you weren’t hired to hit on women

    And men today wonder why they fail at being successful when they’re this disrespectful

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