So my gf since 6 years, loves me a lot. For some reason I started to feel otherwise. I felt like we were not at all compatible. I’m M 25 and my ex F 26. I really used to love her but I don’t feel the same now. We were in a long distance relationship since the start. Our problems got worst and I broke up with her. She still has fellings for me. Her lil sister (then 18), moved to my town for studies, we had a good relationship before she moved to my town. We used to talk about whatever problems we were facing in our lives. And now I feel like she’s the only person that can understand me. I know what I’m feeling is absurd and completely wrong. But I think I really do love her, I’ve been in thinking about this for past 6 months and I can’t get my head off of her. She is the sweetest and most beautiful person I’ve met. The person who I can talk my heart to, and be comfortable being myself around her. I always feel like confessing my feelings to her. But I think, I can’t do that to my ex, nor her sister. What if she’s just been there for me because of her sister? What if she doesn’t think about me like that and by telling her how I feel I’m ruining our relationship? I’m i being selfish and trying to steal her teenage days by being stuck with an older guy? I don’t know.

( P.S. sorry for my bad English. It’s not my first language)

TL;DR: I’m in love with my ex’s little sister and I fell like I’m doing wrong to my ex and her sister by feeling the same.

  1. There are millions of women in the world and you want to pursue your ex-girlfriend’s teenage sister?

  2. Dudeeeee. Dude….

    First of all, if you and your girlfriend had been together for 6 years, then that means you’ve must’ve known her sister since she was 13… Which is already not a great look. Second of all, you can’t date your ex girlfriend’s little sister dude. That’s just absurd and would certainly put a strain on their relationship with each other as well. It’s not fair to either one of them to do that.

    She’s also only 19. I can imagine you and her are at totally different stages in your lives.

    This whole situation just sounds like a dumpster fire waiting to happen, but hey, maybe I’m completely wrong and you, a 26 year old man, is meant to be with a 19 year old teenage girl who also happens to be your ex girlfriend’s little sister. Who knows!

    If I was you, I’d cut it off with the sister, and leave your ex girlfriend alone. Take the space and use it to move on from them.

  3. First, you’re not in love with her. She’s being nice to you because she’s a nice person. She’s your ex’s sister and should be treated as such. There’s no winning for you. She’s barely out of high school. Let her be.

  4. I’m feel so sick thinking about her that way. I already felt the same but reading the comments makes me realise how bad the actual thought is. Maybe I just need to get along with my life. Move on from my ex and her sister. I’m sorry if I I’ve offended any of you.

  5. If you love her it will feel like the right thing to do. I don’t think you love her but I do think you are naturally interested in her because of the taboo! (And other reasons)

  6. One of the best things I’ve ever read on Reddit was a guy whose ex-gf immediately started dating his brother, and brother brought the GF to Christmas dinner.

    In the middle of dinner the original BF stands up, dumps his place of food on his brother, and says “because you like my sloppy seconds so much”.

    She doesn’t want you. I had a Bf pull this crap, he went after my 19 year old sister after we broke up. Sis and I laughed our asses off at how dumb he was, she was most definitely NOT interested in a creepy old dude.

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