Me(20M) and her have been together for a year and I really like her. She is pretty and has a very good personality, we have fun everytime we get along.
But I never felt the ‘spark’ with her, you know the feeling you feel when you get a big crush and everytime you see her your heart trembles? The feeling, I never felt it towards my gf and I know that the feeling of ‘falling in love’ eventually disappears after 2-3 years but in my case it wasn’t there from the start.
So I want to feel it towards my gf, the feeling that makes her look hotter then supermodels and makes my heart SHAKE every time I see her. My gf is perfect except the fact that I never felt that. I felt it to my ex-crush long ago so I know what the feeling is.
Is it possible to find the feeling even if we have been together for 300 days? What should I do to find it towards my gf?

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