How can a woman make you feel comfortable enough to open up more?

  1. Don’t start small talk just for the sake of it. Actually ask follow up questions about how the few events and activities we peak out of our shells for are going/ have gone.

  2. I think for a lot of men w/similar traits are more likely to open up once the ice is broken. You’d be surprised how confident some of us are once the nervousness disappears. We may have a sense that things may be heading in a certain direction but until it does our mind is telling us to hold back kind of like a security. A few words of reassurance that we can pick up on would probably get most men more talkative and likely to open up. Once that happens it very well could be off to the races. Then again, it may take a few times of this to stay out of our heads. Good luck.

  3. Shy? Or introverted and sensitive? I’ve introverted and sensitive. Just ask me about myself it’s that simple, but if the guy your referring to is shy and has confidence issues that will most likely require you to somewhat play therapist or find out what he can’t resist speaking about. Probably a mixture of both

  4. patience, reassurance, communication, and when she goes out of her own way to look out for your feelings, even when you don’t show them/try to hide it.

  5. If we knew that, we wouldn’t be so introverted and sensitive.

    Actually, I read a book that helped. Also I’m almost 56 so I don’t really do introverted and sensitive much anymore.

    The book was “No More Mr. Nice Guy” by Dr. Robert Glover and it changed my life.

    I got divorced at 40 and I spent a lot of time luxuriating in the silence and solitude. That’s how bad my marriage was. Since then, I’ve managed to have two flings, one where I fell in love and got crushed when she broke it off, and the other I broke off as we were incompatible. So I’ve been alone for 99% of the time since getting divorced almost 16 years ago.

    So.what comforts me? When I get on a freaking dating app and one of the many women I reach out to is actually a women and not a scammer and actually writes me back.

    Most women my age are married or otherwise unavailable. I’m at the age I’ve actually been to funerals of friends.

    It shouldn’t be this difficult, goddammit.

  6. It’s ice breakers mainly for me. I’m super hesitant to meet a lot of new people and I get socially anxious. But once I’m comfortable and I don’t find you “threatening” anymore I won’t shut up

  7. After enough bad experiences, you can’t.

    Catch him early on before he gets put through the meat grinder, you have a chance. Good communication, don’t dance around issues, and just be faithful while showing you are into him.

  8. Maybe this is just me, I’m an introvert. I’m a bit of a mixture of nerd and mountain man. But I’d rather have someone bluntly ask me something, not with like an overwhelming sense of urgency or anything. Just ask. Or.. roll perception check.

  9. I was sensitive. Not so much anymore now. Also don’t really open up to most. At least not fully. It mostly doesn’t end well. it would take time and a lot of it for me to show a partner my inner workings. But most people don’t want to wait till a partner is ready and just dip. Because they see something shiny just around the corner, which is more interesting. They all leave sooner, or later.

    As for getting comfortable, well.. Physical closeness, favorite food or movie. Little things like that.

  10. For me it’s expressing genuine interest. I enjoy knowing that special treatment is actually special and it’s effort that’s put into me as opposed to “she’s just a nice person” if that makes sense.

    Also patience and just small and subtle acts of affection that will naturally build up.

  11. Show interest in hobies , even introverts like talking about stuff they like , we are all people . And if they are comfy with you , they will adapt and enjoy your company .

  12. Cuddling on the couch and talking about shared interests, goals and hobbies.

    Giving/receiving massages, supporting each other

  13. Organizing the mental traffic jam and silence that comes from setting my surroundings in order

  14. Bring overly sensitive or overly inverted is caused when you’re in an unfamiliar situation or in one on one company with someone you don’t know. This is made worse for men when the company is a women they find attractive which leads them to feel intemidated. There is one known remedy and works best if used by both partys. Increased blood flow threw out the body. Clothing is sometimes overlooked and can be a main cause. Removing all clothing has thus far in all studies proven to work

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