Women who take the high road with petty or passive aggressive people, when do you put your foot down and get to their level?

  1. When it’s built up to a point that ignoring the disrespect would be disrespecting myself personally.

  2. So far, never. I’m a very levelheaded person, and if I can’t resolve issues through a reasonable discussion, I just disengage.

  3. Never. I am a pretty even-keeled and rational person. I don’t feel the need to “get down to their level” because I don’t really think that benefits anyone or even solves the problem anyway so there’s no point. I just continue to deal with those types of people the same way I deal with anyone else which is by being courteous, respectful, but also very honest with them. I’d someone is passive aggressive, I just call them out on it and ask them if we can have a discussion about what is clearly bothering them. But I’m not going to be as immature as them for the sake of proving a point.

  4. After almost 10 years of dealing with them 😅 and really as a last resort if I have to interact with them and they are rude/petty/disrespectful. Otherwise just try to give pleasantries or not see them at all

  5. I don’t, that will have them win and lose my self respect. If it’s at work, report what you can and find better options. If it’s family, don’t be afraid to leave.

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