We all have our reasons for leaving relationships. Curious to hear your story on someone in the past who maybe was a great companion/ great person but just didn’t work out. What happened next and why did you leave?

  1. There is no “the one.” It’s bs made up by religions and Hollywood. Free yourself of this notion and you won’t need to ask questions like this.

  2. I always try to go for long term relationship. What more do I have to say? The girl was b*tch and I realized kind of late. So I broke up.

  3. Well, one day after 18 years her house of lies collapsed. I kicked her out the same day.

    There is no “the one” alot people are compatible. If both are developed beings it can mature to a lifelong bond. If theres too many mental flaws it wont hold.

  4. People can change so much over time. If you’re lucky, you both change in a compatible way, but in my case, we slowly grew apart. Still, thankful for the years we had, and divorce is easier when you’ve chosen someone who has a record of being fair and trustworthy.

  5. I don’t think I was ever under the delusion that they were the only one person for me. I’m sure I could have been just as happy, or happier, with plenty of people. But it still stung when we separated because a lot of time and energy had gone into that relationship and preparing for our future. It took a very long time for me to process it though, even though separating was objectively the right decision because things hadn’t been going well for awhile.

  6. There is no one, but I’d say probably about one in a thousand for anyone with reasonable standards.

  7. We had a strong relationship based on shared goals but our sex life was subpar. The sex was always a slow burn and never a roaring fire. Didn’t think it would affect us so much but after year three the sex was practically nonexistent. It got to the point where I would cringe if he touched me. We tried to work on it but after two years of trying we broke up. We are still friends though.

  8. I learned she wasn’t “the one” as I was finishing myself off an hour after she started sucking.

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