Hi all, genuinely stumped on how to handle this situation. I thought that movie Bridesmaids was a parody but this is worse.

My cousin is having a bachelorette party and has designated her long time best friend as the MoH and coordinator. The grooms sisters have been invited but have basically fought with the MoH at every decision and now are saying they will be booking the lodging, dinner, etc that all goes against the MoHs plan.
This has all been over group text, where they’ve been rude and condescending, and I’ve no interest in hanging out with them. However, we are all part of the bridal party and will be family soon so I can’t really escape them.

I don’t know how to help the MoH or handle this railroading the rest of the group. I don’t want to involve my cousin because it’s supposed to be a fun thing, but I’m not sure what to do.

TLDR: Grooms sisters (my future in laws) are trying to railroad the maid of honors bachelorette party plans and I’m not sure how to help.

  1. If you can involve the bride, do. At the end of the day, this is the brides show, and that is her sister in-law that her MOH is having a pissing match with.

  2. Definitely let the bride know this is going down, express your support for the MOH, and stick by the person you’ve chosen to support.

  3. You describe these people as your future in-laws. Nah. You don’t need to maintain a relationship with them, you just need to look out for your cousin. That means you can speak to them in a way that might not leave y’all friends, you can tell on ‘em to the bride or to their brother, the groom.

    Actually, yeah. Let’s be real, a dudes plural sisters don’t end up in a bridal party because of how close they are with the bride. Talk to their brother. This is his family, his problem.

    Fuck ‘em.

  4. Friend, I have not regularly interacted with the siblings of anyone who has married into my family. Even my one cousin’s wife’s sister, who I liked very much when we were in the wedding together? I think I’ve seen her like twice in the 16 years they’ve been married. You get through this, you protect your cousin, and then you never ever ever have to talk to this jerks again.

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