Trope: common or overused theme or device.

  1. Woman gives man his comeuppance for being arrogant or even merely assertive, to the applause and whoops of the sitcom audience.

    “Oh so that overbearing artifact of the patriarchy dismissively called me ‘sweetheart’? I’ll show him!” *cut to venomous, disproportionately vengeful act*

  2. Used by both men and women, it’s the phrase “high value man”. Unfortunately, it’s played out way too much and almost always applied to how women view you and your “value” to them. Essentially, your ability to be of service to them (provide a particular lifestyle) is what your value is and it’s utter bullshit.

  3. Man is hopelessly lost and confused when it comes to basic life shit without a “good woman” but is also highly competent and accomplished in all aspects of his life.

  4. The idea that Conservatives/Republicans have any good faith ideas for the general improvement of society, when in fact they are simply reactionaries who will use whatever power they can gain in any sphere to reduce the functional capacity of the State, eliminate or curtail rights of minority or “out groups”, insulate the wealthy and powerful from any responsibilities to society, and make lives generally worse for the majority of people.

    Example, after example, after example shows this. Yet the media will ignore and pretend that “both sides” have legitimate arguments.

    It’s infuriating.

  5. How being stoic, arrogant, self-righteous or just a jerk is female empowerment (example galandriel in rings of power or she hulk) or even worse…..they extremely rarely take a loss.
    An example is rey in star wars or Charlie’s angels.

  6. white men always being 2 or 3 steps behind everything. i wouldn’t mind if it happened sometimes. but it’s become so prevalent it can pretty much be called as soon as they appear.

  7. Television shows and movies having the characters do almost nothing but toss out jokes, quips, and fourth wall breaks. Marvel-speak, Deadpool, etc

  8. When the BBEG has the hero by the neck, lifting him off the ground and instead of snapping his neck, choking him out, or bashing his skull in, he throws him across the room, giving him ample time to run away or think of a plan. Takes me out of a movie every time.

  9. In the news, when a female teacher has been discovered sexually abusing her male students it’s almost always labelled as “had sex with”, rarely do they ever call it what it is. Language is important, and when you choose one word over another, I believe it influences how that subject is perceived. I despise that these predators are talked about in lighter language and have the details of their crimes softened just because they’re a woman.

  10. Annoying character gets on another character’s nerves. Second character snaps, and shouts their frustrations at the annoying character.

    Annoying character runs off crying, and the angry character is kept feeling ashamed. Everyone else tells them that they were wrong for shouting, and forces them to apologize to the annoying character.


    People try to escape from a tunnel or mountain pass, but a rockslide blocks their way. Instead of trying to dig their way out like sensible people, they try to find a way around. (This can be justified if the pieces of rock are too big to move, but they rarely are.)

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