Hi I always find myself in a situation where I’m trying to start a convo with a girl without making it awkward

  1. This question is so situational so it’s challenging to give vague advice. Im in sales so I know some basic things to make any interaction with a person less awkward.

    Generally if your already in nice clothes and have yourself together your already going to have more confidence than if you where in gym shorts so that’s a great start. Next is going to be body language stand up straight, smile, and make good eye contact. As far as the conversation starters go you have to go into this with the understanding that people have shorter attention spans than ever so it’s best to be honest and direct, when you immediately make your honest intentions known upfront it normally will put people at ease including yourself. I would personally say something along the lines of “Hey I’m – and I couldn’t help but notice that you are by far the most beautiful person l’ve seen all day so I thought I would take this opportunity to see if you would be interested in going out on a date”.

    Keep in mind this is all super situational so in a situation where you have some more time to talk or whatever I would probably change that to be a little less to the point and maybe end the conversation vith asking her out

  2. As a girl, I can say there are definitely better ways to approach us. The most important quality is safety. Don’t approach a girl if you think the environment would make her uncomfortable to speak with a stranger.

    The best way to start the chat is by commenting on the environment around you. “Lovely to finally get some sun huh?””do you know what time the bus is arriving?” That opens the dialogue. Or by complimenting something simple (not physical) about her. “Those shoes are super cool” during this friendly and light conversation you can tell by her body language and friendliness if she wants to keep talking.

    If a guy walked up to me out of the blue and immediately complimented my appearance I’d assume he wants a sex.

  3. I think a good approach is to just talk to people. Just be friendly and outgoing. Just start conversations with anyone and everyone. In this, you both look for opportunity and you learn to be sociable, to read the room, etc.

    You start getting the hang of when this conversation is done or not, when you can keep going and when to wish them a good day and disappear. Most of the interactions will go absolutely nowhere, but you learn something with every one. Also you come across friendly and sociable as you use or improve those skills. And then, once again, opportunity. As you keep opening little windows, eventually something pans out. Here a friendship, there a relationship.

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