Her ex and baby dad got out of prison one day. And then 4 weeks later she broke up with me while I was at work. Made me come move my shit out the same day when I got off work. After I left she had him over the next night had sex with him and he left the following day. Then she hmu and asked me to come back. Never told me about what she did. We have make up sex and start having sex everybday. Her ex told me about what happened 3 days later. Ultimately she apologized and I decided to stay with her and try to forgive her because she forgave me for cheating on her when we first got together.. but I’m having a hard time accepting that after almost a year together, a miscarriage, and talking about marriage and i just got Christmas for both of her kids neither are mine she betrayed me for a dude she told me she was scared of cus he beat her and cheated on her and now is trying to take her kid from her and smearing her name all over social media. When i cheated i was only texting another girl. Never met up with her or anything. And it was when we first met so yeah thats easier to forgive because we had just met there wernt as strong feelings and shit also i didnt physically have sex with anyone. But she cheated with her ex. Yeah she broke up with me but they was talking before she broke up with me and then she came back and fucked me without telling me yfm? Idk. I want to understand why. When i ask if the sex is better she says so then i say why and she tells me she doesnt know and trys to say itll never happen again… suggestions on what i should do to get through this? I don’t want to leave her so ways to make it work. Help please!

  1. Not sure how you think there’s any way for this to work. You have both cheated on each other. And it sounds like whenever she feels like fucking her baby daddy, she will do so.

  2. If there is someone you can’t trust and do nit want to build future with it would her. If yoy stay you eill deeply regret it. Be smart before making mistake not after.

  3. > and talking about marriage

    Neither of you is ready for marriage.

    If she dumps you to bang the ex when he gets out of jail, then the ex is what she wants. No amount of taking care of her or her kids will change that.

    In addition, her affair partner will never be out of her life. He is the father of her kids. It would be unfair to the kids to try to push him out of her (their) life and likely impossible because a court is likely to order visitation or some type of shared custody.

    Its better for you to leave now than to stretch it out because the kids will get more attached the longer you stay. This is all just going to blow up anyway, so you might as well limit the damage to them.

  4. Lmao man grow a backbone. She clearly has zero respect for you. You have zero self respect if you stayed with her. So now that you know all this then it’s your own fault what happens now.

  5. Your being settled for. If the man she wanted (her bd) didn’t dip out on her, would she have called you?

    He’s number 1 and your number 2. Just because number one doesn’t want to stay it doesn’t mean your now number 1, it just means it’s vacant for the next guy.

    Save yourself the time your wasting staying with her and build your self to be someone’s number 1.

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