Personally, I usually have $0 in cash as all the places I go take cards.

  1. I usually have approximately $100 on me. There are enough businesses that only take cash (like my barber, the weed dispensary, and a handful of others), that having some cash makes sense.

  2. I have $21 in my wallet at the moment. I usually keep some cash handy as I find it useful.

    I was at a HS basketball game last night, so I brought cash for tickets and concessions.

  3. I honestly see no reason to carry more than a couple $5s.

    Usually there’s an ATM if you really need cash and everything else is card or something.

  4. $30 or so. One place I shop gives a cash discount. And I try to tip in cash

  5. I have a few small bills in my wallet. Also like ten euros from a trip I took a few years ago, I really need to get that exchanged lol.

  6. I keep $5 – $40 on me usually.

    About the only place I spend it is the taco truck. My shitty little town sucks for restaurants, but my goodness this taco truck is fire.

  7. I don’t keep any on my person. I keep a couple 20’s or a 50 in the glovebox of each of our cars ever since one night where I lost my wallet while the car was sitting on E a fair way from home.

  8. If I am going on a trip of any kind where I am going to be eating at restaurants or grabbing things quickly on the move, I usually take $100-$200 just to have a little convenience.

    If I’m at home going about my regular daily activities I rarely have more than $10 in my wallet.

  9. Just an emergency $20 in case my cards don’t work or are lost. That enough to get me home

  10. I have at least 40 in my wallet at all times.

    The first is a 20 from my grandpa that he gave me when I was 16 I managed to run out of gas in my car while driving around. He came and picked me up and filled up the car, and then gave me the 20 telling me that I should keep at least that on me at all times Incase something was to happen or I needed it. Because “sometimes things happen and when your in trouble 20$ can go a long way”. He passed about 6 months after that and I keep it in there as a quiet personal memorial.

    The second 20 is the 20 he told me to keep in there.

  11. I have a quarter on the dash for the carts at ALDI. Other than that, I only use cash when my kids need it for a school event, and that requires a special trip to the ATM.

    My kids even get their allowance on debit cards.

  12. Usually zero. Occasionally $10, to exchange for a roll of quarters for my apartment washing machine. But that’s literally the only reason I still use cash/coins.

  13. 3 dollars. I’ve had them for a long time now, but haven’t bought anything under 3 ro use them on

  14. On vacations – $200 USD, or the equivalent in local currency

    At home – $0-30 (usually closer to zero)

    I hide about $100 in random coats before I put them away for the season, and when I need them again, whatever I find is probably all the cash I’ll have for a while.

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