Me 23f and my 25m bf have been together for roughly 5 years now. His family has disliked me and forced him to stay away, but we always fought and stayed together. My family doesn’t know about our relationship and how abusive hus family is to him. His family has harassed me as well. His family goes as far as taking away his phone, giving him no money, doesn’t let him go anywhere, and follow him if they do let him. He now usually does nothing and obeys them. Before, he would fight them more and get beaten up badly by his whole family. I encourage him to leave for his safety and future. I haven’t seen him for a month because of his family.

Well, recently, I accidentally found out I’ve been pregnant for 12 weeks now, and he’s the only guy I’ve been with 5 years. I told him, and he believed telling his family means they’ll happily let him move out and live with me and raise a family. He thought wrong. Then he said he’ll leave his abusive family to be together, and it’s been 3 weeks since he said that, knowing I’m pregnant.

Now, I’m alone, and no one else knows about the pregnancy. I haven’t checked the health of the baby because of this stress from him and his family. And i want to know what is up with him, if hell be by my side or not. He texts me sometimes, saying he loves me very much and he’ll be with me soon and not to abort the baby.

He keeps giving me a date that he will leave but doesn’t leave. I’m scared and unsure what’s going to happen.

I do love him, but he’s always been like this saying he will change or things will change. I really want him to leave these horrible people so we can be happy. I’ve been crying and unsure what to do. I can’t just keep waiting right… if so, how much longer?


I’m pregnant (16w) with my bf (of 5 years)s baby. Bf says not to abort but can’t see me because his family is controlling and abusive. He said he would leave them so we could be together. It’s been 3 weeks since he said he’ll leave and knowing I’m carrying his child. What do I do? How much longer fo I wait for him?

  1. Are you prepared to be a single mother? Because that’s what’s going to happen if you keep this baby.

  2. It sounds like you *want* to abort, especially if you knew the odds were good that you’d be a single mother? You should go see a doctor and/or counselor to discuss your options and sort out your own thoughts (setting aside what your absent boyfriend is texting you that he wants you to do).

    Odds are that he will not leave his family. He’s too under the spell of their abuse. If he was going to leave, the time would have been when he told them about the pregnancy and they had a horrible reaction. That means he’s spent the past few weeks trying to smooth things over with them and assuring them that he won’t leave to take care of you and the baby. And they will probably only tighten their grip on him, now that they know about the situation and his effort to leave.

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