What’s your happiest birthday memory?

  1. Honestly, every birthday. I do my own birthday month and if people want to join in, great! If not, I’m doing it anyway so I make my birthday count each and every year.

  2. My husband planned a surprise weekend away for my 50th, including reservations at a favorite restaurant, a massage, brunch at a great place, wonderful hotel with a great bar, etc. One of the best weekends of my life.

  3. I’ve had many excellent birthdays, but last year was amazing cuz I got to see metallica for the first time on my actual birthday!

  4. Weirdly it was one at work in 2018 (my 32nd bday). I had moved out of my ex’s and was in a shitty apt with my son, so I was in a bad place mentally. I work with nurses that were my absolute best friends. They asked my fave foods (chili dogs, Mac n cheese). They knew my fave color is hot pink so all the decor was hot pink and flamingos. I even had hot pink cupcakes! I remember feeling so loved.

  5. I never celebrated my birthdays as a teen or adult, so maybe when I got a Gameboy with Pokémon Blue and Red when I was a kid, lol.

  6. I’m 7, my parents are doing better financially and buy me a DQ princess cake. It’s the one time I got to pick a cake out for myself. I got a purple bike. My brothers made me cards with crayola and tapped pennies they found in my dads jacket pockets for me to get 5 cent candies from 7-11.

    In contrast to my worst.

    I’m turning 30, tensions are high with my parents because i’ve stopped attending their church and this means church discipline is imminent (AKA shunning), but my dad wants to host my birthday for me. The night before my mom asks for a family heirloom to be returned, and she says its unlikely i’ll get it back. I see hate in my moms eyes towards me. I am a filthy worldly failure. I spend my birthday with a happy smile plastered on my face, but my heart is breaking. I remember my 7th birthday, and I know I won’t get to spend my 31st birthday with my family.

    I still cling to those childhood birthday memories. They remind me I was once loved, even if was conditional love.

  7. In my early years of college, I didn’t have a car. After a party, a friend who did drove me around collecting as many birthday freebies as possible before all the shops closed.

  8. I got cheated on just before my birthday last year and I cheered myself up by booking a solo trip to Canada because I didn’t want to face my birthday alone. It was the best trip I ever took, and five months later I moved here!

  9. I went to see Coldplay during my birthday month. It was a gift from my best friend. I have no idea how she got the tickets since they were sold out but it was one of the best concerts we’ve both been to so far.

  10. It was a normal day in college, 5 days after my birthday. It was usual stuff with professor giving lecture and suddenly the PPT slides change to “guess who this person is”….all the clues point to me….and then whole class shouted “Happy Birthday!!!!” I was very emotional and they all wrote letters and attached in ppt slides❤️

  11. Went clubbing with a whole bunch of ppl for my 21st birtbday. First and only time I ever did that.

  12. On my 18th birthday I visited London with my mum. It had been a dream of mine to visit London and it was so amazing!

  13. 26th birthday party. It was a surprise party at my place. I wasn’t expecting a huge amount of people to show up but it was best birthday party to date. Dancing, music, drinking, and a birthday cake.

  14. I have two happy birthday memories. One is when I turned 27 and I took myself on a daytrip to San Diego, I visited Torrey pines which is unbelievably beautiful. I also visited Balboa park and some restaurants over there.

    My other favorite birthday memory is my bf taking me on a cruise to Encinitas. It was my first time going on a cruise and I’ll never forget his generosity

    This year’s birthday might be the best birthday present ever since my bf and I are planning a trip to Japan which has been my dream since I was a teenager.

  15. I believe I was 5. My Granny came to visit and brought such a big bouquet of tulips that I had a hard time holding it all. Love my Granny and love tulips. It’s such a distinct happy memory!

  16. celebrating in vancouver the day after i landed. i’m a very anxious traveller and jet lag really gets to me so i thought my birthday wouldn’t be enjoyable because of that. that all went away and i had the best time!

  17. My parents threw me a basketball princess party in middle school. They rented out a venue and it was basically a kids club where we ate, drank sugary drinks, played games, and danced. It was great.

  18. My dad didn’t have a lot but for my 12th bday he scraped up enough to pay a pilot friend of his to take me up in a little 4 seater plane. Dad told his friend that I loved fast, scary rides (I do!) and to try to scare me. We did barrel rolls, he turned the plane on one wing, nose-dived…it was AWESOME!

  19. They’ve all been meh mostly! Usually I’m alone because no one wants to make plans (it is close to and sometimes falls on Father’s Day). I’d love for someone to take me out for a fancy date or set up a surprise party!

    Last year I took myself to see Purity Ring, a band I love and had a blast!

  20. I have two

    One year I went for a solo birthday hike in the Alps and had a whale of a time.

    Another year I went back to where I used to live in France to see my friend. She took me out for a wine bar crawl and the final bar we stopped at was off the main palace square on a little, cobbled side street. I remember it was warm with a breeze, the sky was pink, there was a band playing in the square, people started dancing and then we walked to an ice cream shop for pistachio gelato.

    I’d happily relive both! The first memory made me realise how great I can do this along, the second made me feel very loved.

  21. My 20th birthday, it was the time where it dawned on me that my friends were really my friends. Then after that my childhood birthdays.

  22. My 10th birthday. It was a big party that was pink and white themed lol (my family is huge on white and pink, __especially white__, when it comes to parties😂)

    I remember wearing the beautiful light pastel pink dress that my dad gifted me.

    I invited my cousins, family friends, and classmates from school. They all showed up in pink or white dresses and other clothing.

    My parents had ordered a Party limo/party bus that drove us around beautiful places around London. The DJ/bus driver was entertaining asf!! We danced, sang, took pictures etc.

    My parents also got a camera person to document the birthday. He filmed everything. Somewhere in the video, he asked everyone individually something like *Do you have any messages or anything nice to say for the birthday girl?* – something like that, and the words people said were so heartwarming to watch and listen to.

    This all took place 8 years ago now!! It was a fun and memorable day that I will always cherish lol.

  23. I honestly can’t think of any. Maybe when I was real young… And to make things worse, my birthday is 9/11 lol. It was my 15th bday in 2001, and I got a PS2, but felt bad for being excited about it. And ever since then, anytime someone asks for my birthday, I get ‘oh my god! Do you remember where you were when that happened?! Let me tell you everything I know about it and all the conspiracies! Want to pray for the lost souls with me!?! Your birthday must be SO SAD!!!’….. ugh, I wish I could legally change my birthday lol

  24. My 10th birthday. It was a joint party with my best friend (now fiancé). I remember the party itself was actually quite good, but what I treasure most was me and my best friend sneaking away from the party and running around chasing each other along the streets, and climbing trees, and daring each other to climb higher on the trees. I remember that we also held hands for a bit. Both my mum and his parents started looking back, but we sneaked in and pretended that we were always there.

  25. I’m going to have to say my 14th birthday. I was born a Jehovah Witness, so I had never celebrated my birthday properly before. After my mom left, she decided to bring in all the holidays back since there was no reason to not celebrate them anymore.

    My 14th birthday was technically my first. I never had a birthday party, and I learned that I quickly didn’t like that. So I just didn’t do my chores, ordered a pizza, and watched a series with my family (Even though they were bickering all the time)

    Best birthday ever.

  26. Waking up and my whole family is in the kitchen and they decorated the house in balloons and party stuff. Was ecstatic about my birthday so it meant a lot to me that first thing in the morning my fam was already in gear to party.

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