I notice that women don’t enjoy my convos that I have with them. They generally get turned off the more they talk to me. And I just in general not a good conversationalist. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not shy. I can ask questions and talk about myself. But it comes off too much like an interview and the women tend to get frustrated the more I keep talking. I literally piss a woman off in a bar because she call me handsome and I told her that your attractive too. She felt like I was lying and walked away.

I’m also bad with making people feel comfortable. I tend to pry too much and before you know it. They told me their entire life story but it was too deep for them. I’m not trying to be this way but it’s like it’s part of me. I don’t get better at talking to women with time. I tend to stay the same way. My male friends told me to learn some game and stop playing it safe. But I dont play it safe because I’m shy. Generally I like connecting emotionally first. I tell all woman that and they tend to respect me but leave me because I’m too nice. Lol, I get rejected but they will talk to me as if we are friends. I get the reason and it doesn’t brother me. But I have to change. I’m a virgin and I don’t care about sex part.

I just want to hug while we talk about out futures. And think about our place in the universe. Women told me that I need to get a wife because I’m husband material.
Idk but I think it’s time to rethink my approach.

What do you guys think?

1 comment
  1. > They generally get turned off the more they talk to me. And I just in general not a good conversationalist.

    Sounds more like you’re a bad listener.

    > I’m a virgin and I don’t care about sex part.

    age? (>10 >20 >30 >40 or?)

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