Hey all! Recently I met this girl I’ve been talking to on Bumble. I know you have to be 18 to be on bumble or any other dating websites for that matter, but she put her profile as 18. She’s actually 17 and she just put her account down as 18. We’ve only been talking for like 3 weeks but things have been going very very well. The only thing is I don’t know if the age difference is a concern or not, it’s tough to tell nowadays because some people are weird about stuff like this. I personally don’t see it as one, she turns 18 April 2nd so pretty much a month from now. I’m just trying to get feedback if this age difference is weird or not. If she was actually 16 I would’ve been like “hell no”. She turns 18 before I turn 20 because if it was flipped, I would be like no also. so i don’t really see it as a problem. Any feedback on if this is weird or not would be appreciated. She’s super sweet and she’s beautiful too. Is this age gap weird or creepy? I live in NJ if that matters to anyone

Tl;DR – I’m [19M] the girl I’ve been talking to is [17F], is this a bad age gap?

  1. I think you’re good, I agree with ur intuition as far as her turning 18 before you turn 20 being important. Maybe avoid doing anything physical until shes 18 to be super safe? But you’re prolly fine. Its not creepy.

  2. Its not weird, but did she lie to you about being 18, or did she admit to actually being 17 from day 1?

  3. How do you know she isn’t lying about being 17? Not saying she is, just something to consider that she could actually be even younger than she is saying.

  4. Not creepy, that’s for sure. I turned 18 before I finished high school, so my main concern would be the stages of life. Is she out of school or still in it? Are you studying or working (difference in responsibilities, available time, disposable income). If you are at the same stage (or almost same) it will be fine. You should see her ID, though, especially if she’s still in school and make sure to explain that it’s because of legal reasons, because as an adult, and as a man, society will always think it’s your fault.

    Her birthday is in a month, it will be fine if she is truthful.

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