What’s the best thing you have done just because you were told you can’t?

  1. Became aircraft mechanic. Just because my ex military pilot dad told me “that’s not a job for a girl” and “you don’t have brains for it”. I also went to military just so he can be mad about it whenever his still active friends mention me. He wanted me to have some “women appropriate job” whatever that is in his mind.

  2. Finished school.

    A therapist during group therapy asked about our goals. I said I wanted to finish school. She said I should be realistic and forget about that. So I signed up for the next available semester. It took way too long, and probably cost me too much health, but I am so proud I did it.

    For context: I was diagnosed with ME/CFS, and the group therapy was part of a rehab program.

  3. Moved into an apartment by myself. My older sister tried to convince to move into my mom’s garage and live there and I was like “no thank you.” I want my own space. I don’t wanna live with random strangers who I don’t trust. I may be living in the hood but 🤷🏼‍♀️

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