As per title, we were having a conversation in work (IT) today and most of the folk said a night in front of the games console/PC was their ideal senario, others were Warhammer 40k and one guy just liked getting wasted and watching soaps.

I was more reddit, homemade curry, nan, pickles etc and watch horror movies/TV with the wife. So whats your ideal night in?

  1. Beers or red wine for me, rosé for the missus. Iceland ultimate cheesy garlic bread, and stream something or listen to music.
    Sometimes she’ll have a long bath and I play my PS5.

  2. My ideal night-in would be curling up on the couch with a good book or movie while sipping on a warm cup of tea and enjoying some delicious snacks. Just relaxing and unwinding after a long day is the perfect way to spend a cozy night in.

  3. Big bag of coke and a bottle of Bombay. PS5, sex, scrabble & chess – maybe poker towards the end. We have one of these kinda nights at least once a month.

  4. Homemade curry, naan and horrors sounds great. My ideal night would either be as movie night (horrors+ my fave movies) or curled up with a hot chocolate, blanket and a murder mystery book listening to music

  5. At home with my wife and my sons, I read the boys their bedtime stories, we have a giggle and a hug and they sleep through the night. I tidy up the house, get everything ready for the next morning, have a light snack and head to bed.

  6. With wife – movie and takeaway curled up on the couch

    Home alone – honestly more or less the same, just with a martial arts movie instead. Maybe a bit of gaming to start the night.

  7. Family dinner, me on the bbq or ooni, mario kart tournament, where I am victorious. (All.3 ofu kids are ace at it and love to goat) kids go to theor rooms. me and wife have some weed then stick on a podcast, when the munchies kick in, overindulge with a cheeseboard and pickles while falling asleep with the woodbunrner roaring all comfy and cosy.
    Wake up after a good nap, go to bed and have sex.

  8. Big bowl of pasta/gnocchi with some kind of sauce in front of the telly watching a film, preferably something gory.

  9. After a stressful week and a productive day, I have a shower, we order in a curry and binge a show we’re obsessed with while cuddling on the couch. And if I’m feeling extra ravenous, I’ll have dessert – fruit dipped in melted chocolate.

    The night is perfect if my partner acts like he is awake enough to watch the rest of the episode, but fails and falls asleep on my lap.

  10. I was just saying to my husband that I would love to be able to fall asleep when I wanted to and wake up when I wanted to. I have a 2 year old that is chronically allergic to sleep.

    As for the evening before sleep time, nice meal (but not me cooking it) and TV. Just some time without the kids would be nice.

  11. It used to be hang out with the mrs get a takeaway then when she went to bed join my clan mates for an all night bf3 sesh and crack open the whiskey.

    Now it’s get the kid to bed and enjoy the quiet

  12. Just cleaned my kitchen.

    Rest of the house looks like a building site, life is spiralling out of control – but I have imposed my will onto one room and those counters are sparkling.

  13. Tonight I stood in the hallway and stared into space for about 5 hours so quite a good night I’d say 😊

  14. Watching a series that I’m really enjoying, mcdonald’s delivery, snacks and some pop. Cuddling with my dog.

  15. I like to slip into my silk kimono, put a Burt Bacharach LP on the turntable and rub my big fat cock.

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